Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday Winter Break

Did you get a chance to visit my name that baby giveaway? If you didn't, just click here now!


Remember that this week is a Holiday Link. Please feel free to link anything related to these holiday, decorations, stories, poems, pictures

Next week:

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29 - HOLIDAY LINK - Anything related to New Years - recipes, decorations, stories, poems, pictures

If you have questions, or need linked during this time, please e-mail me at jennymatlock at cox dot net and put 'Alphabe-Thursday HELP!' in the subject line.


Good morning and Happy Holidays, class. Welcome to round four of Alphabe-Thursday!

Today we will be writing anything to do with the holiday season! Please feel free to be as creative as you wish.

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course.

I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by the following Thursday morning, please let me know!

If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.

If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.

The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!

And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and visit at least 10 other students (perhaps the 5 students before and after your post). The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.

Please share your Merry post now! Happy Holidays to all!

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  1. Have a very productive day sweetie!!!

    God bless it! :o)

  2. It came to me through lack of sleep... hope you all enjoy it:-)

  3. Good day Miss Jenny! Hope all is well at your house tonight!

  4. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Jenny, to you and your family!

  5. Miss Jenny, Some how I've managed to stay afloat this week in Blogville, but next week I'm going to be MIA since hubby will be off. Yay!!!! So, I'm handing in my excuse before hand coz unless I can get a post up today for next week, then it's not gonna happen. Sorry! With that being said, let me say, thank you for hosting Alphabe-Thursday and I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy, safe New Year!!!

  6. Merry Christmastime...everyone!

  7. I'm posting one of my long but lovely Christmas Eve stories today. I think you'll like it!

    Merry Christmas, Jenny!!


  8. While technically not a Christmas link, you could consider it a chance to win a Christmas Present for yourself. I'm giving away a 30 minute mozzarella cheesemaking kit courtesy of the folks at New England Cheesemaking company. We had a great family time making cheese!

  9. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Jenny, to you and Mr. Jenny and all the littles and grand littles and grand littles to be!


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock