Sunday, December 18, 2011

Trendy Decorating?

“Mom! Don’t you think you’re taking this locavore thing a bit too far?”

“Huh? No, Mom, I don’t think it applies to Christmas decorations!!!”

“I understand that fresh meat is the only thing ‘growing’ in Minnesota, right now, but couldn’t you have used berries and twigs on the tree instead?”

This strange little 50 word story is linked to week 85 of Saturday Centus. To read other offerings for this challenge, just click here.

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  1. Can you even imagine what that would smell like after several day?

  2. Every time I see that picture I think I can smell garlic salami!

  3. I showed my husband this post and he said and I quote, "THAT'S AWESOME, that woman knows how to decorate a tree. I wanna go to her house for Christmas!" So, I guess we'll see you then. I hope the salami is still good by Sunday.

  4. That tree is disturbing on so many levels.

  5. Aren't you the vocabulary wiz? I had to look up the word locavore to see what it meant LOL. Great centus.

  6. LOL! That would be really fun on a Christmas buffet table though.

  7. "Meat growing" hmmm... Merry Christmas Week Jenny:@)

  8. I figured you'd have some sort of an "explanation" for this charming prompt! LOL. Have a wonderful week!!

  9. Ha ha HA! picking myself up from the floor, in complete wild and roaring FuNnY! But we have so much more growing in Minnesota right now really, really we do!

  10. You are a nut!!!! I really think that tree is yucky...that much meat in one place makes me want to gag. :)

  11. It's just a strange little tree but it did make for some great blog fodder!

    You crack me up girl!

    Have a greatly blessed day my friend! :o)

  12. Wait until you see what I did with processed meat on Thursday!!Mwahahahaha!!!

  13. This was such a funny prompt. You did well with it, too!


  14. Really enjoyed this prompt and your take on it.


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