Sunday, January 8, 2012

The beating of my heart is the only sound...

This suspenseful little cliffhanger is linked to week 88 of Saturday Centus. It is a two part prompt, and the four word prompt is in bold. To read other offerings, just click here.

I ran.

I’d like to say 'like the wind' but I’m too old and fat.

But I ran as fast as I could.

My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t hear if he was following. With every thud-thud-thud of that over-exerted, under-exercised muscle, my panic grew.

I lost a shoe.

There was no time to grieve my favorite brown leather Keen.


My glasses fell off.


And then I fell off.

I grabbed…

I’m certain I broke a nail…


I’m certain I swallowed my heart…

Thud-thud- thud…

There I was…hanging off a cliff

…and he came up to the edge…

Thud-thud-thud… be continued...

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  1. It cracks me up that even in a heart pounding, heart stopping moment like this, your humor that is uniquely yours still shines through...can't wait to hear what happens next!

  2. Can't wait to read next week and find out what ever happened to the finger with the broken nail! :) had my heart thud-thud-thudding right along with you. What will become of our heroine?

  3. First, I have glue for your nail! ;) ....Oh sure, now I have to bang my head against the wall with a thud-thud-thud until next Saturday! Who in the world thought up this to be continued!!! ha ha ha ha

  4. You give me a case of anxiety....and I bet I dream about this tonight too. :I

    I sure hope that it's Mr. Jenny reaching down to pull you up to safety and not that thug stepping on your fingers until you drop into the abyss.

    Can a person get tachycardia from reading??? You should post a disclaimer.~Ames

  5. Had to laugh at the comment from Ames. My heart got going a little faster reading this, too!


  6. thud thud thud - I'm scared now and strangely one of the things that always scares me is the idea of hanging off a a cliff by my hands as I know I could not support my weight.

  7. Hmmm sounds like a halloween joke I heard once...Thud Thud Thud...wish I could remember the punch line:) I'll just have to come read more next week!

  8. What? Broken nail and a lost shoe? This is frightful Jenny!

  9. Please telll me your centus doesn't involve horse poop!!

  10. LOL, I could hardly go on reading from laughing so much after that second line. You are just too funny.

  11. You broke a nail of your MC, how could you?? Fantastic...suspense filled, my heart went thud-thud too.

  12. Nothing likea little soft shoe, a broken nail, and a cliffhanger to make your day! Great Segway!


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Jenny Matlock