Friday, March 16, 2012

Early mornings at our house are usually preceeded by...!

Poke, poke, poking Mr. Jenny in the ribs.

This morning was no exception.

He ignored the first round of me attempting to wake him up, but finally succumbed after great determination on my part.

He D-C-Papped and finally stuttered out, "Whaaaa...whaaat....what's wrong?"

"Wake up, please. It's important."

He sat up.

And I'm pretty sure he was scowling at me but it was too dark to really tell.

"So what's so important?"

Yes. I could definitely hear the scowl in his voice.

"Ummmm..." I proceeded, and quite sweetly I might add, "When was the last time you said 'Gee Willikers'? And what does that really mean anyway?"

"What? When I said what? 'Gee Willikers'? How do I know? At least fifty years ago. Where do you come up with this stuff...go back to sleep."

He laid back down, turned over, re-C-Papped up, and quickly went back to sleep.

Leaving me alone. In the dark.

To ponder how long it's been since I heard the phrase 'Gee Willikers'.


So I'm wondering.

If you're not sleeping.

Or grumpy or anything.

When was the last time you said it?

Enquiring minds want to know.

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  1. I said, "Golly gee willickers" this past month. Does that count? I'm a dork...I say many fun and silly things.

  2. Gee Willickers... Poor Mr. Jenny:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. Wow, that's a question for the ages! I can't remember the last time I said it, but I remember Dennis the Menace saying "Gee Willikers, Mr. Wilson" Huh, this one will keep me awake tonight trying to remember....

  4. I'll play the cultural card here and say that Canadians don't say Gee Willikers - and hope that this will spare me staying awake at night trying to think if I've ever really said it!

  5. I think it has been a good long time since I said Gee Willikers, but thanks to you I am sure it will pop out of me at least a few times today.

  6. I never say Gee-willikers, but I occasionally say Gazooks! Does that count?

  7. Jeeze Louise Jenny I might be over 50 years old but I can't recall ever saying that. Wasn't that a Leave It To Beaver phrase? Doesn't your mind shut down when you go to sleep? Poor Mister Jenny must have sore ribs.~Ames

  8. Hi Jenny,
    Long time, no hear!! lol
    I have to say I have never said
    Gee Willikers isn't it??? I have
    heard others use it, and can't remember when that was, we used to say Gimmini christmas, and who knows what that means???
    My inquiring mind wants to know too!! lol

    You are so funny! I would love to have seen your hubbies face!!
    Gee Willikers I am going back to bed...........could that be what he said!! lol

    Have a fun weekend, I see you are already off to a great start.........


  9. about...never?

    Gee whiz, yes. Gee willikers, not so much.


  10. I don't think ever...but I am senile.

  11. I've never said it. But lately I've been saying, "Get off your brother!" a lot...if that helps.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

  12. I don't know if I have ever said it. I try to say it at least once before bedtime.

  13. Mmmmmmm....yesterday!

    No, really...I said, "golly gee willikers.!

    Farm Boy didn't make it in 'till three thirty this mornin' and things start early 'round here. Not many zzzzz's caught last night.

    God bless ya sweetie!!!

    Enjoy your weekend! :o)

  14. I don't think I've ever said it. My phrase seems to be "good grief"....which is kinda dumb cause grief is not good.

  15. I don't specifically recall but I am sure I that I have for I often use words such as flabbergasted, egads, gobsmacked, discombobulated, and, as one poster above stated, "Gimminee" (leaving out the Christmas)

  16. well it is the first time i have read it, in like a gazillion years ... and what the heck is a williker anyways???

  17. Hmmmm . . . I'd have to say three Tuesdays ago.

  18. Erm... say what? That's definitely one which hasn't crossed the Atlantic. (Rolls over and goes back to sleep!)

  19. I haven't heard of this expression for a long time, and have no idea what it means!

  20. I think the only I time I uttered those words was to make fun of the Beaver or his brother...

  21. I think I say it at least one time a week. Or I at least THINK it one time a week.
    I've got no idea what it means though....that Mr. Jenny, could't he be more helpful in the wee hours of the morning???

  22. I don't think I've ever said it, but it would certainly be a big improvement over some of the other things that slip out of my mouth from time to time.

  23. I do love your blog! Hum I think I've said Gee Willikers more recently than I would like to admit! :) How is that for an answer!

  24. where did the wondering about gee whillikers come from? just wondering....

  25. you always make me giggle. i'm sorry i haven't been on here to comment in awhile. things have been incredibly busy.


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Jenny Matlock