Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Eve of Destruction

(For a soundtrack, you can scroll down to the bottom of my blog and play song 89 just to get your in the spirit of the story!)

My feet were bloody from the effort of walking toward the blazehole that had once held golden sun and the silver orb of moon.

Trudging eastward consumed my thoughts as the voyage became both dream and nightmare, but I could not rest. I was certain to encounter others attracted by the flare gun of destruction.

The last tepid drops of water from my canteen barely quenched my throat, as I stumbled up the final summit.

I summoned the last of my life force to hail the other survivors.

The greeting drifted away like lonely smoke.

‘OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod…why have thou forsaken me?’

This gloomy little story is linked to week 107 of Saturday Centus.   To read other takes on this picture prompt, just click here.

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  1. oh Jenny ... truly gloomy and sad and desperate ... but good!

  2. Exquisite writing, Mrs. Jenny. A tortured message, but exquisite nonetheless.

  3. Strange. Today I slept, about a 5 1/2 hour nap. I had weird dreams. This fits right in with todays haunting. Excellent!~Ames

  4. I know this comes first hand from deep within your heart. I'm going to go listen to your song.

  5. Scary. Makes me think of the book, The Road.

  6. Hauntingly beautiful, my friend. I just don't know what else to say.

  7. Wow! That really felt desolate and sad. Bad timing...we are going on a long hike in the high desert tomorrow...gulp!

  8. That one goes right to the gut, Jenny.

    Well done.


  9. Oh my sweet disturbed friend, I have a couch and I only charge a nickel for a psychotherapy consult! Heeeeehehehe!!!!

    Great write sweetie, ya always knock the ball outta the park my friend!

    God bless and have an awesome day!!! :o)

  10. Wow, Jenny! What a sad and gloomy apocalyptic tale of fear and desperation. Just crazy good! Well done!


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Jenny Matlock