Thursday, June 14, 2012

Painting my Way Through the Alphabet

Today I have two "D's" to share.

I am not yet daunted usingAlphabet-Thursday for this series of signs. I hope you enjoy this little painted journey along with me.

 is for 'Delight. Full.' and 'Dare. Greatly.'

No stencils.   No stickers.  Handpainted with my own layout.

You can see other signs in this theme by clicking on 'Painted
Alphabet' in my sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by.   To visit other links to the letter 'D' , just click here.
post signature
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  1. I still don't understand how you get the lettering so darn uniform. That never happens for me!

  2. They are both DelightFull, and you are Greatly talented, I Do Dare to Declare!!!! I've left you a PS on my D's about signage....or as we say in my Redneck of the woods, "Here's your sign".

  3. Freehand??? Are you kidding me? I can barely sign my name, let alone make something so beautious!
    You are a talent Miss Jenny!

  4. Hope you don't run out of wood! Delightful indeed!

  5. So very Delightful!

    Happy A-Thursday!

  6. I declare, Jenny Matlock, you are a darling, creative, darn hard working, decidedly perfectionist type of dame!
    I love your signs!
    Hugs Anne

  7. I am loving this trip around the abc's with you. Your signs are fantabulous!!! and freehand ... you rock Jenny!!!

  8. Delightful is perfect to describe your painting your way through the alphabet series!

  9. I will be full of delight when Youngest finishes his last exam this dinner time. I dare greatly to hope he may have scraped together enough points for University.

    Topical signs Miss jenny :)

  10. LOVE your signs! Please do tell...what you will do with all your awesome, beautiful, creative, darling signs? (Did you catch that I went alphabetically in that question? :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  11. I love the delight full! Have to remember that special spelling! {:-D

  12. Love your work, dear talented Jenny! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  13. You could def go into business with these!


  14. I can't even print neatly on lined paper. I could never do this!

  15. You are very daring to do these freehand! Your lettering is definitely delightful!

  16. My lovely Jenny,
    You have wonderful penmanship. Like the others, it would be interesting to know what you intend doing with them?
    Thanks for inspiring us week after week. See you in a couple of days!

    Your Divine Secrets

  17. So glad to keep seeing your signs. They are amazing! Can't wait to see what you do next. Best...

  18. You did so well painting these signs! All the letters are even and elegant.


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock