Friday, July 27, 2012

Will you remember me?

I sit in the sun like an old cat.

The reddish-gold glow through my closed eyelids is comforting.

I feel a memory flit through my mind.

  I squint my brain…thinking, thinking.

What is it?

What is it that I remember?

That bossy nurse lady comes by and shakes me.

“Rose? Rose? Wake up! It’s time for Bingo!”

I slit open my eyes the tiniest bit, but ignore her.

Who cares about bingo anyway?

I close my eyes…searching again for the memory.

Instead, a flavor comes to mind.

Birthday party flavor.

Is it my birthday?

Will any of my children remember this year?

This little story is linked to week 116 of Saturday Centus.   The prompt is in bold.

To read other stories using this prompt, just click here.

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  1. Well, I hope Rose has better luck than I do. My kids barely remember me, much less my birthday! (Actually, my birthday is one of the few times I DO hear from three of them)

  2. Here's what I have learned in the last few weeks--no one will remember me, because they never took the time to know me.

  3. Thoughtful old woman, with a wistful question.

  4. That makes me sad. How hard it must be to lose memories! I mean, i do it now, but not usually the important things. So sad.

  5. so sad. as usual, your take on the prompt is artful.

  6. So many elderly people are forgotten by their children and grandchildren. It makes me sad to think about it. I wonder if my grandchildren will remember me.....time for a visit!

  7. Lovely story, and who knows if that may be us some years down the line. Hope not!! Well written!

  8. Judie that is are just stressin'. You know we all love you!

    Well I hope I am not stuck in a nursing home and forgotten. That would suck!~Ames

  9. Our family and loved ones do remember us, if only for a moment in time.. their lives go on and are so busy that they must do what they need to do each day. When I think back to all that have come and gone before us.. how could one mind think of them all? Maybe the human mind is conditioned to not think, it might hurt too much!
    Good story Jenny

  10. If I were stuck in a crummy ole nursing home I would hope Judie, Jenny and Ames were there with me! A woman I work with told us some illict tales of her grandfather! Um...ah....he was a...ladies man! The staff started telling the family to stop at the front desk before entering his room, because he was "busy" with lady friends! Once they walked in and he had his hand inside a ladies blouse! He told his son "I was helping her find her teeth!"
    I hope people will remember a simple kindness I did!
    Your post is thoughtful and so true!

  11. @Judie -- the world will remember you through your art, make no mistake. And Jenny, what you describe so touchingly is what many of our parents and friends are going through. Heartbreaking.

  12. I L.I.V.E with my daughter, her hubby and kids and they are so busy living their lives now, I try not to imagine them forgetting I'm here because I become too quiet.

    I'd hate to be in a nursing home but rotting in the basement, hmm, not great either. At least I might remember BINGO in a nursing home. Tee Hee.

  13. This is touching and bittersweet.

  14. Good use of the prompt! Pretty sad, but good.
    Granny always told us that as long as we remember them, people (who die), are never really gone. I've always hung on to that for a bit of solace.

  15. Good use of the prompt! Pretty sad, but good.
    Granny always told us that as long as we remember them, people (who die), are never really gone. I've always hung on to that for a bit of solace.

  16. I hope they remember...

    I hope we all do.


  17. Jenny, that was so good, but I feel like this could be me! I feel so "out of it". I'm blaming it on the heat, but I fear it may be my age. My most recent 2 Sat.C. contributions prove the lack of brain activity I'm experiencing. laurie


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Jenny Matlock