Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Windy hand...


Since we got back from our road trip I've had hand tremors.

Strange ones.

Bad ones.

I think if you put one of those silver milkshake maker metal thingy-s in my hand, I could have made you a tasty shake.


You're on your own now for milkshake making.


I went to the acupuncturist today and she told me I have a windy hand.


I was suspicious.

And doubtful.

But she stuck four needles in my abdomen and three or four in my shaky hand...

Along with all the regular needles...


Guess what?

My hand is just barely breezy now.

I mean...if my hand was a curtain it wouldn't even wiggle in the wind.

Strange story...but 100 % true!

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  1. Wonder where they would have to stick those needles to get rid of my windy... gale force, leg tremors???

  2. I really believe in alternative medicine.

    Awesome post.

    When I was only DAYS pregnant I went for chinese herbs and he took my pulse and like your "windy" hand I had a "slippery pulse" which is a sign of pregnancy.

    Turned out to be true and now I have Aaron after 6 months of trying to conceive. He is now 2 years old :-)

    Liska xxx

  3. wow! thats so interesting! glad the winds have died down there... I'm sure it was really annoying and even scarey.
    have a great wednesday

  4. WOW, glad you are just breezy now! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  5. Thanks for making me smile this morning. I hope your hand stays calm for a while.

  6. I'm so glad to read this! I've had acupuncture for my back and it was a great help. I'm smiling at your news!

  7. I must say I'm intrigued by acupuncture! Glad to hear it is helping you! hugs, Linda

  8. I'll take your words for it, and should go see an acupuncturist for my unsettling stomach. I'm on the second week, and draining!

  9. I am thinking of going to one myself to see if it does anything for my feet (diabetic neuropothy). My Mom had a shaky hand, can't remember the medical name for it though but it ran in her family...her brother had it too.

  10. Just don't try to use that windy hand to blow anyone off, sister!!

  11. Glad to hear your windy hand is just a gentle breeze now.


  12. I know there is something behind those needles but I don't like needles! Wonder if they could help my bone pain?

  13. Glad she was able to help!

  14. Wow! That's cool! I've not had acupuncture, but my daughter has and it helped her tremendously.

  15. crazy stuff...glad that you're down to a cool breeze from a hurricane!

  16. WOW! That is amazing. I'm so glad it helped and you really are an advertisement for alternative medicine. Thanks for sharing Jenny!


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