Monday, July 30, 2012

World's. Smallest. Black. Eye.

I have a black eye.


Technically it is still kind of in the dark red stage.

I don't even know where I got it.  It happened sometime between 3:12 and 3:14 pm.   I'm certain of the time because I went into the bathroom, took my contact out because it felt uncomfortable, rinsed it and put it back in.  I didn't have the world's smallest black eye at that time.

A minute later, my contact was still bugging me so I went back into the bathroom...


You guessed it?

The World's. Smallest. Black. Eye.

This morning I asked Mr. Jenny to take a picture of it so I could show you. 

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want me to take a picture of your eye?"

"Geez.   Because it's cool. Don't you think it's cool?"

Mr. Jenny replied, "Ummm...not really.  Why don't you write about taking the Grandlittles to the zoo OR your welding class OR seeing Judie and her husband in Tucson OR..."

"Stop talking," I instructed Mr. Jenny firmly.  "Stop talking and take a picture of my eye."

"But WHY?"

"Because I have a really cute title for the picture...that's why."

"What's the title?" Mr. Jenny enquired.

"World's.  Smallest.   Black.  Eye.   Cute, right?"

I love Mr. Jenny.  Heaven knows I do but sometimes he just doesn't 'get it', but he's still a good sport about things.

"Okay.   Stand over there so I can take a picture of your eye.   Oh.   Excuse me.   So I can take a picture of the World's. Smallest. Black. Eye."

So he did.

And here it is!




Cool, right?



You're welcome!

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  1. Yes, it is an interesting way to start my day - with the image of The World's Smallest Black Eye in my mind. Jenny, you make me laugh! Thank you!

  2. i'd be calling my eye doctor, he might want to see it and be sure there won't be more issues ;)

  3. For some reason I have to keep going back to the picture and staring at it....I think I may have been hypnotized by the world's smallest black eye.

  4. You must have been having one of your wild and crazy dreams again, and it was a battle between you and well perhaps lions and tigers and bears Oh my! Or maybe dragons, it's too hard for me know for sure! But you came out a winner anyway, with just this mere tiny little black-eye! Ha! Ha! :)

  5. Maybe Mr. Jenny did it and he didn't want proof on the world wide web? You have my sympathies...and it is a great title!

  6. Oh that hurts my eye to look at it. Hope it gets better;). Hugs

  7. I think it's a trick to hypnotize us all. Once I woke up with a black eye. It wasn't there when I went to sleep and I was alone. I guess I was just flailing around in my sleep.
    On yeah, welding class?

  8. That is bizarre! Well, it certainly didn't happen here in Tucson. I would remember that! Maybe it's an insect bite! OR maybe one of the chickens jumped out of their box and pecked your eye! Hahahahaha! I told them to be nice to you because you would find them the best home ever.

    Go to the eye doctor! Maybe a very sharp raindrop struck your eye when we were leaving the restaurant yesterday. You can't be too careful!!


  9. Sorry to hear that Jenny. But you still have permission to play it up for sympathy with your family--a black eye is a black eye in my book.

  10. Oh God. That looks painful!

  11. The world's smallest black eye is interesting - and I'm glad you shared it with us and made me laugh. But now I really want to know about your welding class -

  12. You find the most interesting things to blog about! :) :)

    Now about this welding class??????

    M :)

  13. dang! please report back from yer doc that all is well.

  14. Ouchie! Does it hurt? Did you bump it? Take good care of it and see a doctor if it gets worse.

  15. You win the smallest black eye award for sure! This was much more interesting then those other topics! hugs, Linda

  16. I say... milk it for all it's worth! It's a cute little thing.

  17. I totally love it when Hubs makes my post that much more interesting...
    Your black eye is the coolest littlest black eye ever. I wish I had one.
    Time to take out my contacts.

  18. My husband also questions many of my pictures.

    That is a fine black one I've seen this week.

  19. Yup, it's definitely the world's smallest -- hope it heals up soon!

  20. EEEEEEE me no like pictures of eyeballs!!!!!!

  21. Oweeee! Mr. Jenny really is a pretty good sport. I'm also curious about the welding class.

  22. Oh! I agree on the "cuteness" of your post's title...and You always bring me a smile and a laugh, dear Jenny....and how cool is that, that you saw Judie, had welding class, and grandlittles to the zoo! But yes, please let us know what your doctor says.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  23. Does it hurt like a bruise? Maybe it's a broken blood vessel.

    Instead of getting punched in the eye, you just got finger stabbed! :-)

  24. What a perfect thing to happen to you ! Think of the stories you can weave around it in years to come !

    I recently had a hummer of a black eye, didn't tell my painting partner and when I got in the car, he said, "we haven't ever painted someone that looks like that (at the portrait painting group"), so I said "OK". Mileage ... go for it !

    Am assuming that everything is ok with your eye and is "just one of those things"...thank you for sharing the "World's smallest black eye". It takes courage to do that for some people. And thank Mr Jenny...
    Siggi in Downeast Maine

  25. OMG! All those people commenting on your LITTLE black eye, and no one commenting on how crazy I am trying to move to Brunswick without having a nervous breakdown! You are sooooo special, and I am just a leaf in the wind!!!! Waaaaahhhhh!

  26. Ouch! Hope it's cleared up by now. As I age, I notice bruises all over that I have no idea how I got them. You could have told your husband that if he didn't take your pic, you'd tell everyone that he gave you the black eye! laurie

  27. Jenny, that is the cutest little cute black eye I've ever seen.

    Does it hurt?
    I hope you get better soon. :)
    BTW, Mrs. JIm won't take pictures for me for my blog. And she knows why I take so many, it is for THE BLOG.

  28. Geez Jenny, arent you a little beyond fighting by now? I mean really, get the frozen steak, settle down and act your age!

    Seriously, what do you think caused that? that is nuts!


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Jenny Matlock