Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Speaking to your Heart

I remember many years ago hearing a great new song on the radio.

In those days of limited allowance, no computer and no i-pods, I'd have to wait by the radio, listening intently,so I could listen to it again...

The second  it would start playing I'd call up my best friend and play it for her.

When I saved up enough allowance, I'd buy the 45.

And play it over and over and over again until I knew every word and every musical note by heart.

Or at least I'd play it over and over and over again, until my mom yelled, 'Turn that stupid song off!"


I heard a great new song.

New to me anyway.

It speaks right to my heart.

I've been listening to it over and over again.

So I thought I'd call you up and play it for you.

If turn up your volume and  click here we can listen to it together.

Can't Go Back
by Rosi Golan

Some things you can't go back to
Some things need left alone
Don't mess with the memories of a life passed on
Oh the tumbling reservations at the heart of my mistakes
Oh some things you can't go back to cause you let them slip away

I don't wanna be a witness to a path that's overgrown
I don't wanna see this house not be a home
'Cause time has taken toll on what we couldn't see
No I don't wanna be a witness to the end of you and me

How am I gonna make each moment better than the last
How am I gonna make it better if I can't go back

Oh the tumbling reservations at the heart of my mistakes
Oh some things you can't go back to cause you let them slip away
Oh some things you can't go back to...

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  1. Hadn't heard this one. I LIKE IT!

  2. Nice one, Jenny. I AM going back--to my roots!!

  3. Thanks for that, Jenny. Some things you can't go back to, and somethings you shouldn't go back to. I think we all have regrets and things we wish had gone differently. I'll be listening to this one again.

  4. Great lyric. Thanks for sharing the song. I've always liked her.


  5. I've never heard this song, and I love it! I have it queued to post and linked to you in my Sunday Songs in a few weeks. :)

  6. I've never heard that song but the lyrics speak to my heart too.

  7. I've never heard it before, but it sure is good!

  8. That us such a soothing song. Thanks for the introduction.

  9. It's new to me too. I like it. Thanks for sharing. laurie

  10. wow, you know I am a lyrics girl and I love those lyrics!

  11. lovely lyrics and music ~ ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)


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Jenny Matlock