Monday, October 22, 2012

Sitting in the Red Chair

I think it is Zen Decorating.
Yes. Zen, I think.
All feng shui’ed and peaceful.
Moss green.
With water trickling from a little fountain in the corner of the waiting room.
The highly-polished wood floors reflect puddles of natural-hued furniture.
And the golden brown of a lush cushioned sofa.
In a thoughtfully positioned semi-circle, the soft sheen of brown leather beckons you to carefully placed side chairs.
In the center of the carefully placed semi-circle of chairs arranged for patient patients waiting comfort is a surprise.
The stark contemporary lines of a single red leather chair demand attention in the zen of this space.

The red distorts in a reflection against the glossy wax of the floor.
A glorious maple flaming against a forest of aspen and oak.

I have always embraced the welcoming comfort of the sofa when I visit this doctor’s office.
Mr. Jenny and I sit, side by side, knees touching, hands intertwined.
Last week I left the known little nest of familiarity I've been sitting in for almost 7 years now, and sat across the room.
In the red chair.
The strangeness of it.
The vividness of it.
I looked at the room from a different viewpoint.
The slickness of red leather surprised me.
And woke me up.
And made me think…
…that perhaps I need to leave the comfort of my plush little world…
…and see what the world looks like…
…with my view from the red chair.

My naturopathic physician is where I go to be a patiently patient...waiting for healing.

I am patient with this doctor because she has helped me when no other doctor or specialist could.

And now, she has written a book. 

I am having a giveaway tomorrow...the first of four.   Come back to visit if you can.  I will let you sit in the red chair...and enter this little giveaway!
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  1. Jenny very cool- I shall be back! I like the sounds of this red chair...even if red is NOT REALLY my favorite color!

  2. Delicious photo, I love the colors, beautiful red leaves.

  3. That sounds like a peaceful and soothing room, with browns and then the red chair for a surprise.

  4. I bet you felt warmer sitting in that chair. I miss you, and I sure hope you're still coming to the luncheon. I've got a surprise for you and I even made you a you have to come. ;o)

    Love ya'

  5. This writing was simply amazing. I loved it and it has encouraged me to "sit in the red chair"

    I wish we had a naturopathic physician. I need some fixin' too.

    Enter me in this wonderful contest. I hope the prize is her book.

    I try to balance with The Feng Shui. That may be part of my mad rush to clean and clear my house since return to balance.

  6. Jenny what a great story! I think there are many 'red chairs' available to us but we tend to be afraid to sit in them and see things differently. I'm trying to be more open to that now! Hugs, Linda

  7. I really like the description here.

  8. fabulous bit of writing Jenny ... and I will be back!!!

  9. I will be back to sit in that red chair:) HUGS to you dear Jenny!

  10. i'm happy about your red chair but a little
    anxious that you might not be well. i pray
    your wonderful doctor finds a wonderful

  11. Intriguing. Love your writing style. So talented. It's good to sit in different chairs. I need to do that more. Different fit, feel and view :)Happy to be a new follower!

  12. We never know where we'll find the change in view that will give us new perspective. It's a healthy thing to do!

  13. I love this...and I love that this Dr. has been able to help our sweet Jenny!!!!

  14. Hope she can get you squared away, Jenny!



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Jenny Matlock