Friday, November 23, 2012

Alphabe-Thursday Letter A

Hooray!   It's A time!  I was going to expand my horizons and do different crafts each week...
I thought of two phrased I wanted to paint...
So I did.
This may, or may not, be a round of Painted Alphabet but I'm hoping I can come up with new things.
We shall see.
The letter A....
It's silly but I dunno...I still like it.   15" x 16"
5" x 16"

This last sign isn't on Etsy because it's a custom, custom sign I painted for our middle Grandlittle.   She just turned nine.  This is the song I've sung to her since she was a baby!
 No stencils. No stickers. No vinyl.  Handpainted with my own layout.

You can see other signs in this series by clicking on 'Painted
Alphabet' in my sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by!

To visit other links to the letter "A", just  click here.

post signature


  1. What a sweet custom sign that is! I'm sure she'll love it!

  2. I love these!
    Thinking I may jump in to this round of Alphabe-Thursday :D .

  3. I love them all! Last week I saw the one you made for Brenda - I'll email you about that.

  4. Very inpressive. You are quite talented. Love the first one.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    M :)

  5. You know I love you signs! These are all great. I emailed you about a custom sign! Can't wait! Hugs, Linda

  6. Ordinary Words....looking forward to more of your signs of the times♫♪

  7. Your Granddaughter is special to you I can tell! I like the first one too. When I worked at NASA I worked with some Rocket Engineers.

    My specialties were Spacecraft Simulation, Environmental Sysetmes Control, and Electrical Powere Control.

  8. Oh Jenny! Very creative!! I've not painted is ever so long. I wish I had a bottle of time that I could add a few hours to certain days. Than maybe I would dabble again and paint and draw!! Always something to look forward to though. Nicely done Jenny,,, keep it up!

  9. These are great! I'm sure that painting will have a special place in her heart. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Why, isn't that a coincidence?! I am a rocket scientist, too! (at least that's my story for today, and I'm sticking to it!)

    I love the sign for your little one. What a precious gift that is!

  12. You just keep getting better and better! love them all, especially the cherries!

  13. wow, the shading on the cherries are so gorgeous! lovely job, as always :3

  14. Love your signs!!! And how sweet is the cherry one for your grandlittle!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  15. Hi Jenny! I love your signs! You are a talented artist! Hope the holiday was a good one for you and yours. I was early putting my A post up! LOL! Have a good week!

  16. Oh I think your painted alphabe series are just amazing and wonderful. They are quite unique and beautiful.

  17. I like your signs, especially the rocket (scientist)

  18. I like your cherry sign -- a wonderful old folk song! This is my first time participating in Alphabe, and I'm still working out the scope of my alphabet.

  19. aawww...the sign for your grandlittle is so sweet!
    love your painted signs!
    I bet there's a plethora of signs you could paint. It will be fun to see what you come up with.


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock