Thursday, December 27, 2012

Painted Alphabet for F


What just happened?

Was that whirl of family and lights and sugar and Scotch tape stuck on the end of my fingers Christmas?


I think it was.

I hope things were Merry and Bright at your house...whether you celebrated the holiday or not!

I have three "F's" to share this week.

And, no.

I'm not swearing.



I think that's the post holiday sugar withdrawal talking.


Back to painting F's.

I wanted to paint a fa-la-la-la sign but I ran out of time.

Instead I painted this for my sister:

And this one for a custom order:

And this because I was overdosing on red and green.   Sigh.
12" x 12"
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter F.   To read other F offerings, just click here.

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  1. You know I'm a huge fan of your signs! Love the 'F's!

    hugs, Linda

  2. A 5 cent hot bath sounds about right!
    You'll have to remember and do the fa la la one next year!

  3. Love the signs!

    Hope you had a great Christmas!

    M :)

  4. I indulge in way more than a nickle's worth of hot bath. I can't put a value on them, they're priceless.

  5. I ran a hot bath on boxing day and promptly fell asleep in it. I didn't wake up until the water was cold! Love all your signs.

  6. 5 cents for a bath ? I am coming !
    Hope you had a nice Christmas !

  7. Great signs --again!

  8. Love them all but the last is my fave!

  9. Love the last one.
    Wish I could have it :)

  10. Love the last one.
    Wish I could have it :)

  11. I do like your three F's, and we did have a full and fabulous fun holiday time. I promise to see you for Saturday Centus, the dust is beginning to settle and life is almost, well is it ever really normal? No, but more blogging time ahead! Happy fabulous day to you too Jenny!

  12. Those are all lovely. I think I'm partial to the last though. It's what we all need a good dose of for the new year!

  13. Bear With Me...A+ on your F signs♫ Be safe in the New Year♥

  14. always love the signs :)
    my favorite one today - faith hope love and also the 5c hot bath:0

  15. Jenny you are just rocking these signs ... I am so glad I have one of them!!! I can now say "I knew her when ..."

  16. You paint a great "f"!!!! Happy New Year! Jan

  17. Yeah, OK, your signs are great. But what I really enjoyed was your commentary! More writing, please!

  18. They are all "f"lipping awesome. :)
    Can I really get a bath for 5cents? I'm on my way.....

  19. Whenever I see a sign for baths, I never even check the price. I think that a hot bath is priceless!
    The way the sign is painted made me think of a mirror in a hot bathroom all steamy and cloudy!
    Love it!

  20. Your signs are so awesome! I am loving the colors of that last one. Simply beautiful.

  21. more wonderful signs! Your creativity goes on and on.....


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Jenny Matlock