Friday, January 11, 2013

Finders Keepers

This 100 word little story is built around the picture below.   To read other offerings, just click here.

“But why can’t I?” I whined.
“Because I SAID SO!”
“But…I found it!”
 “I SAID NO!” he roared even louder.
 “But Dad.  Can’t I play with it just once?”
 “But Dad.  Can't I just throw it once?”
He gave a sigh so giant it seemed to move the Universe.  He counted to ten.
“Son.   You can’t play with the Earth.  I know it’s hard to believe, but there are tiny little people living there and we need to respect them.”
Tiny little people?   I peered closely.

I think my Dad was teasing me again.
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  1. Wonderful! I love it! Now I know what that feeling of being watched is.

  2. Lovely story. I can envision this conversation. Do you think that's what causes our earthquakes?

  3. Jenny I felt like I was the child holding the whole world. Great story and I love how you twisted in the end with tiny people. As the child tried peering to see them.

  4. Good story! We give it 2 Paws Up!!
    BabyRD & Hootie

  5. That is beautiful really good use of prompt.

  6. Perfect response to the prompt, Jenny. Loved it.


  7. You clever woman, you! Why couldn't I think of something like that??? I didn't even try!

  8. Hahaha! Love it. You really have a great imagination.


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Jenny Matlock