Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jumping to conclusions can cause you to...

...slip and fall...

...and perhaps strain your 'start-of-a-good-day' bone!


Don't you hate when that happens?

There's been a lot of stuff going on in the family lately...

...and the other morning I awoke to the sound of a text message alert.

"I can't look," I told Mr. Jenny.   "It could be this, this or this..."   and I proceeded to enumerate a whole bunch of bad things I imagined.

Mr. Jenny got out of bed, walked over to the dresser and picked up the cell phone.


"Don't tell me.  Oh no.   Oh geez.   Oh, man!   What's wrong now?"  I took a deep breath preparing for something bad.

Mr. Jenny squinted a little bit and read the text out loud.

"Have a peaceful day, Jenny," he recited, as I flinched from imagined bad news.

"What?   What did you say?   What?"

"Have a peaceful day, Jenny," he read again.   It was from a friend back east.   Three hours farther into her day then I was.

"Wow...ummm...that was nice.   Geez, I ...ummm...guessed I jumped to a bad conclusion there, didn't I?"

And then we went back to bed.

And I did, indeed...have a peaceful day...when I got up for real an hour later.
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  1. for this very reason, i don't keep my phone by my bed (or couch). glad to know it wasn't serious. cell phones = the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.

  2. I don't leave my cell in the bedroom, either, mainly because I don't want to be woken up by the beeping. I am, however, guilty of catastrophizing, which I'm trying to improve.

  3. 1 more hour of sleep can do anyone a lot of good :)

  4. People waking you up too early really could cause you to have a catastrophic day. Glad yours was peaceful when you finally did get up. :D

  5. People waking you up too early really could cause you to have a catastrophic day. Glad yours was peaceful when you finally did get up. :D

  6. I had a few years where every time one of my siblings called me, I answered "What now?"



    Have a peaceful day, Jenny!

  7. I'm right there with you. I jump all the time!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I've been working on curing my habit of imagining dozens of worst case scenarios before they may happen. Very little turns out to be anywhere near as bad as what I can make up in my head! Glad your message was so positive.

  10. I think that is one reason I avoid phones when I can.

  11. Jenny, please put the phone in the kitchen or somewhere far from the bedroom. You need your sleep more than anyone needs to contact you!

  12. Jenny I know why you write brilliant stuff ....... You have an over active mind

  13. Aw.. a sweet friend! I was wide awake at 4 A.M. the other night and my friend in California was milling around answering a text I sent her earlier int he evening! HaHa!

    Take care!


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Jenny Matlock