Friday, January 4, 2013


My apologies to the Beatle's for this bad rendition of one of their songs.   This post is linked to week 140 of Saturday Centus.   To read other offerings, just click here.  The four letter prompt is in bold.


You say you want a resolution…
…well you know…
We all want to change our life.
It’s not just old age constitution…
…well you know…
It’s hard to live with stress and strife.
Doctors say they have a real solution
…well you know
Prescription peace is never a plan.
They ask me for insurance contribution...
but don’t you know I’m fine the way I am.
They say pills’ll change my constitution.
…well you know.
Sometimes I think I’d like to change my head.
but then I remember the resolution…
is to change the way I think instead.
post signature


  1. Interesting take on an old and great song.

  2. I especially love the message. You are amazing. Really.

  3. I could hear the song in my head as I read your lyrics. Well done!


    I hope this was the sort of thing you were looking for!

  5. very good purpose! have a great weekend :)

  6. I like your revised lyric. Somehow, it hits home...


  7. Love this....such great lyrics. Vince Gill's rendition of "Let there be peace on earth" is one of my alltime favorites. Jan

  8. Hi Jenny! Happy New Year!
    A pretty good rendition and it has prompted me to cue the song up on my Ipod. I'll be back soon to catch up!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Jenny Matlock