Friday, March 22, 2013

A sentimental Saturday Centus

This little story is linked to week 151 of Saturday Centus.   To read other offerings click here.  The prompt and picture this week reminded me of messages hidden in books and the backs of pictures.   Often when I scrapbook, I write in pencil on the back of the pages.   I hope someday my Grandlittles or children finding these messages.  I hope someday they read something at a time they need it.   Wouldn't that be an amazing gift for 'someday'?

I ran my thumb over the lightly penciled letters.

The writing seemed shaky.

When had her trembling, gnarled fingers written these words?

Tired of the fabric frame that had carefully protected the photo for decades, I had been astonished when the glass and cardboard had been removed.

I re-read the words of her favorite psalm again. “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy”.

How had she known these words would speak exactly to my soul?

Through my tears I raised my eyes to heaven. “Thank you Beryl for writing these words for me to find someday,” I said softly.

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  1. Wow I love it so genuinely written. I am planning to collect all this together .mit is so lovely to see what total strangers have written about total strangers

  2. Just lovely. What gifts our people leave behind sometimes.


  3. Amazing how something from so long ago can be exactly what you needed right then and there. Beautiful. I can't tell if this is really you, or one of your stories, but either way, it touched me.


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Jenny Matlock