Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Big news!

Spring has sprung, officially, here in Arizona.
...I know, exciting...
I'm going to give you a brief garden tour.
Perhaps you should use the bathroom first...
and/or get a drink of water.
This will be pretty intensive and I don't want to wear you out.
Back on the east acreage there's lots going on...

...the apricot tree is getting super carried away with blooming...
The garden boxes are planted...
...buying seed tape is pretty silly when your three gardens are 18" square...
The lettuce is up.

...and while we can't, technically, harvest it for a salad quite yet I can see some little lettuce (or would that be letti?) friends sprouting right next to it.
Moving into the West gardens...
The three pots of tomatoes are becoming more tomato-plant-like through each passing day.   I did buy the biggest plants I could find so I guess I cheated a little bit.
And that's it!
Wasn't that exhausting?
I'll keep you posted as the acreage continues to grow more verdant.
In the meantime, I'm going to take a nap.
All that garden touring wore me right out!
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  1. How exciting! I can hardly wait to get out and work in the garden, but it will be a while yet here in Iowa.

  2. I'M ready to harvest that lettuce for a fresh salad! hugs, Linda

  3. Oh I hope you get enough lettuce for me too:) I am itching to plant something but as my Daddy would advise... wait until after Easter! Have a blessed day sweet Jenny, HUGS!

  4. It is snowing hard here right now, so believe me...your garden tour was just what I needed! My tulips are coming up and the trees all have buds on them...but, spring seems a long time away if you look out my window!

  5. My first thought when I saw that spring had sprung was, "bitch" but then I realized I should be kind and not be jealous of you having spring because you are a wonderful woman. But I am so sick to death of winter I could scream. I am green with envy!!! That damn rodent in pennsylvania lied to all of us back east! We're getting a foot of snow tonight. I am going to begin drinking soon.....

    1. LOL. Sorry Peg, I had to laugh. Serious snow has continued to miss us in Richmond VA. Awww... Hang in there.

  6. Oh, I'm so worn out. I'd better take a nap, too.


  7. Jenny, at least you have spring. And lettuce. :-) We are still waiting for the icebergs in our yard to melt.

  8. I would take what you have any day right now. I am still looking at a layer of snow outside my windows.

  9. We should all take a vacation at your place, Jenny; help you with all that gardening on the acreage. :) it's looking good!

  10. oh Jenny, your so cute!
    I also planted seeds today in pots
    with hopes the critters don't get
    into them.. but I'm rushing it I
    know... you give me hope!

  11. I have no idea how you manage to work, maintain a household and do all this gardening. I suppose you're actually going to cook it too! Wow, my hero. LOL :)

  12. That is great news! I need to get going on my garden pots.

  13. Boy, I don't know--that tour just about wiped me out! :)

    Looks good. If spring is in Arizona it can't be that far from Kansas!

    M :)

  14. I love it!! Every li'l bit of it!! Thank you so much, Jenny M, for making my day with news of Spring. Surely it can't be that far off for us either.
    But right now we're still
    Knee deep in snow... :)

  15. We are not yet that far but spring arrived here in Belgium too, at least for two days, lol !

  16. Enjoyed your garden tour! I am SO ready for Spring!!

  17. Spring has sprung in the PNW too! The "pinkletinks" started their song a few days ago and that means winter is over! The lilacs have buds on them, but it did freeze hard night before last, so I'm still staying by the fire! The lawn mower got picked up for service today and within a week the mowing will start, not to end until November....sigh...
    I love your garden boxes...more manageable than my large tract here at home!

    Thanks for sharing your garden of delight!

  18. There are some signs of spring in my garden too. They're so welcome :)

  19. I love when the cactus bloom, especially the Saguaro.

  20. So lucky! We got about 4" or more of snow these past 2 days!

  21. I am in a quandry here as we are moving. What do I do plant seeds in pots , but what about my three veg beds?
    Oh well life goes on.

  22. I can hardly wait to get my little gardens started!

  23. wow, those apricot flowers are beautiful!
    ...it's still snowing here XD enjoy your spring!

  24. Thanks for the tour! It will be six weeks until I can plant anything, but it's nice to get a preview of what's to come!

  25. It's WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ( Snow here, that's why I am so impressed :)

    Growing anything is fun and rewarding. You just keep posting about your garden! :)

  26. Oh, I'm so happy I hit the potty first!!!

    What pretty blossoms and touches of 'green poppin' up. 'Gives me some high hopes girl!

    God bless ya sweetie!!! :o)

  27. When you wake up from your nap, maybe there will be another "letti!" Where we live the only real change spring brings is longer days...

  28. I'd like to come over and make myself a BIG salad with that lettuce of yours.


  29. Look at that green coming up out of the ground! And those blossoms!!! I swoon! You are very lucky lady to have such fine greenery growing about you.

  30. That's exiting! no signs of Spring here yet. no little veggies poking their sweet little heads out of the soil.


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Jenny Matlock