Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nothing could be sweeter...

Than your feet are when
they're all dressed up
for Easter...
Nothing could be finer
than a sideways garden growing sweetly
in the morning...

Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each
baby apricot at dawning

Nothing could be sweeter
than orange blossom scented spring in the desert...
Unless it's splashing with my grandgirlies
when the pool is warming up in the spring time...

...or loving on new Grandsons

...near or far...
...from morn 'til nighttime.
If I had Alladin's lamp for only a day...
I'd make a wish and here's what I'd say
(other than please keep our oldest Grandlittle away from the snakes she found a few weeks ago in Oregon...)
Nothing could be finer than to be
in Arizona in the morning.
My sincere apologies to Dean Martin for butchering his classic song.Carolina in the Morning.
This strange little post is linked to the letter S for Alphabe-Thursday.   To read other "S" links, just click here.
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  1. Hate snakes - even photos of them!

    Lovely post, though!

    A lovely Easter to you & yr family,

    XOXO Lola & Nora:)

  2. that pic of your granddaughter and the snake gave me the heebie jeebies!

  3. Ewwwww...Snakes! I hate them!

    Love seeing all the kiddos though. What CUTE babies!

    I could use a teeny tiny bit of warm. My basement is so cold!

  4. What a beautiful baby. All the children are adorable, but snakes? No, thank you.


  5. I was still in that cozy baby "Awwww" place when I scrolled to the snake...quick change of emotion. Oh, warm weather...please come here soon.

  6. Personally, I like snakes. They're clean, disease free and take care of those nasty rodents that eat grain in the barn and spread all sorts of disease.

    Plus your red-haired grand daughter looks like a pistol. She's darling.

  7. There's that new baby! So darn cute. They are all cute of course but babies! Love 'em! :)

  8. Very sweet post ... even the snake photo (I have a dd who likes snakes, too... I do not share that like even a little bit).
    Easter Blessings!
    Catherine :)

  9. Cute post is it warm enough for pool already

  10. Your grand has beautiful hair the color of flame, and she is brave to pick up the snake.

  11. You've made me L-O-N-G for spring and all things good. :) Your photos are beautiful and loving, and your butchered Dean Martin song ain't bad either.

  12. ps. By "spring," I mean the actual evidence of it... although, there are daffodils in my yard.

  13. brave child, touching that vile thing! darling post for S.

  14. The nails look lovely!
    Snakes not so much.
    Come by-my current post
    just might interest the Grands.

    M :)

  15. They does sound awfully sweet! I hope the new grandlittle and his mom are doing well.

  16. Looks like much fun. Glad to see another girl who likes snakes. I was always keen on snakes. It was insects that I didn't much care for!

  17. Nothing could be finer than to spend time with the grands! That newest little one is sooooo sweet.

  18. Your always amuse me.. even with your funny little song. Love the pic of your beautiful grandaughter with that snake! I was like that when I was little.. not so much now!
    Happy Easter Jenny!

  19. Loving that snake snapshot♫ What a treasure you have with your family♪ Happy Easter♥

  20. Loving that snake snapshot♫ What a treasure you have with your family♪ Happy Easter♥

  21. Nothing could be sweeter... Have a blessed day sweet Jenny! HUGS!

  22. She is one brave little girl to pick up a snake! Your new grandbaby is adorable!

    Happy Easter Jenny!~Ames

  23. Your grandchildren are darling as is this post.

    Happy Easter to you.

  24. Eeehw...snakes! My oldest has one! Ooh that scary Sid stares at my oldest son and I. It knows we do not like being in the same room with the snarky snake!


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