Thursday, March 7, 2013

"Oh my gosh! This is exciting news!"

"We need to go to the garage!   Right now!" I shouted.

Mr. Jenny looked startled.
"Right now?"
"Yes!   Right now!   We need to find that clear storage box with the pink tape on the lid!"  

I was excited!
Mr. Jenny followed me out to the garage.  
It was early morning!
I was in my nightgown!
We dug and dug and couldn't find the right box.
Mr. Jenny asked me again what the box looked like.
"It's clear!  It's a big storage box!   It has bright pink duct tape all over it!"
Finally we found it, hidden behind some pictures we don't have enough wall space for.
I opened the box and dug through a bunch of bubble-wrapped objects!
"Here it is!"  I said triumphantly.
The treasure I found is pictured here.
Yes.  It's a picture of a picture.
From a scrapbook.

The little lamb planter is one I received in the hospital over thirty years ago when my first daughter was born.
I waited impatiently for the florist to open and then I called to tell them what I needed.
Mr. Jenny drove me and we dropped off the precious little lamb.
A short time later we picked it up.
It was beautiful.
Lillies of the valley and hydrangea and some perfect baby roses.  Iris and forsythia.  

It was just a brief trip from the florist to the hospital!
Our newest Grandson is here and I can hardly wait to show you his picture and tell you about him!
I had planned to actually find the sentimental little lamb planter THIS week, but the new baby was anxious to be born so he added his joy to the world two weeks early.
Mother and son are doing fine!
And Mr. Jenny and I have put all the dislodged boxes back on the shelves in the garage!  
Now I know why I've saved so many things over the years!  
How neat to think my daughter is smiling over the same sweet planter that I smiled about on the day SHE was born!
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  1. That is just to cool! I love that you saved the lamb!

  2. SWEET, a new baby to love! I am SO happy for you! Can't wait to see pictures:) HUGS!

  3. Oh how perfect! I know just how you feel... my granddaughter was born at the same birthing center as was my daughter, her mother. In the same room. It still had the same macrame' hanging cradle. My midwife came to visit. Perfect!
    Congrats on the new grandbaby!

  4. That new little boy is getting a grandma with a great memory....I am very impressed that you knew exactly where the little lamb was stored.
    Congratulations on both your new grandson and your excellent memory.

  5. What a great find and story!!! Congratulations! How special that you still had the lamb planter!!

  6. So cool!
    Congratulations on your new grand baby!!

  7. Congratulations... How sweet that she's getting the lamb planter as well. Can't wait to see pictures of your new grand baby.

  8. Pure sweet love- that's what it is! Congrats too!

  9. such a dear and sweet post. congrats all around.

  10. Oh Jenny congratulations!!

  11. That's real sweet ! and congratulations to your new grandson !

  12. A old lamb to welcome a new little lamb!

    How fun, aren't grandkids just the best thing ever???

  13. That is so sweet...congratulations on the birth of your new grandson! Cathy

  14. your daughter will be thrilled to see
    your sweet little lamb while she's
    loving her little lamb.

  15. What a sweet, wonderful story! Congratulations on your new grandchild. And such a appropriate planter to symbolize the birth of a of God's lambs.

  16. Jenny I am so happy and excitedfor you! I love that you kept that lamb all these years and now your daughter can enjoy it with her newborn! Can't wait for photos and name and stats on the new one!!! I am so happy for you and Mr. Jenny! Big Hugs, Linda

  17. Congrats on your first grandbaby, and on having the perfect welcoming gift at hand.

  18. This is so sweet, Jenny. Enjoy those newborn baby snuggles.

  19. What a sweet little lamb! So sweet being passed on to Jessie. Congrats Miss Jenny!

  20. Congratulatiuons on the birth of your grandson, Jenny! A new baby in the family brings such joy! How many grand children do you have now? You are truly blessed!

  21. Oh that's a great gift for a mom with a new baby - congrats everyone!

  22. What a wonderful idea. Congrats on your precious grand little. Enjoy ever moment and memory!

  23. Congratulations Jenny! Wonderful news. No wonder you are excited :)

  24. Fantastic news Jenny. No wonder you are so excited :)

  25. Fantastic news Jenny. No wonder you are so excited :)

  26. What a perfect gift, Jenny! Congratulations to all of you!


  27. Congratulations to the family!

  28. Thanks for sharing your news with us♫ ENJOY, Enjoy, enjoy♥

  29. Aah, your a romantic just like I am...blessings to you to do something so meaningful for your daughter! Congrats on your new grandson! Our new grandson of a year, has changed our life's...I am a new woman♥

  30. The little lamb is so sweet.....I TOO am glad you saved it! Congrats on the new baby boy; happy they are both doing well. Share pictures soon.

  31. A Granny after my own heart! On one of my daughters' 30th birthdays we had a weekend away together with her two sisters. I presented them with the bronzed baby shoes they had first walked in, which ahd been packed away for years. This was together with a framed poem about each girl and the characteristics that make them special. All 4 of us cried!! Congratulations on your new Baba! Liz

  32. Oh congratulations dear friend, I'm so happy for you. You are the best grandma anyway, so it's only right that you should have another amazing child to share your lovely spirit with.

    Big hugs, and love,

  33. Sweet little lamb. How exciting about your grandson!

  34. I love this idea - so sweet! I knew I was saving those planters for a reason. I am now following your blog and look forward to reading more :-)

  35. Awwwwwwwwwww
    How precious and congratulations!

  36. Congratulations on the new addition to the family! That was a great gesture and I'm sure it will last for future generations.

  37. Oh Jenny! A sweet new grandlittle to add to your family! Congrats to all! Glad they are doing well. I always buy those sweet planters at the thrift stores. I should have saved mine! Sigh!
    What a great gift idea! I know they will treasure it. Hugs Anne

  38. How perfectly wonderful. Upcyling at its best

  39. That is so sweet! And congratulations! I love that you have saved that, and that you gave it to your daughter. That is absolutely precious!

  40. So utterly perfect and precious! Congratulations - what wonderful, WONDERFUL news!

  41. Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I wish I'd saved those little planters I got when my children were born. A friend collects them and let me use several at a baby shower I hosted. They made a cute centerpiece!

  42. aawww...that is so great! Congratulations on the new love in your life!


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Jenny Matlock