Thursday, April 18, 2013

Me and Adele...

...we have a lot in common.
She is a multi-platinum singer...
I can sing Twinkle, Twinkle little star.
That's not the thing we have MOST in common.
The thing we have MOST in common is that we both like to set to fire to things that aren't supposed to be set on fire!
She...Setting Fire to the Rain (BTW!  I love that song even MORE than I love Twinkle, Twinkle!)

And I.
I attempted to set fire to an orange today.
Not in an arsonist, citrus abuser sort of way.
But in a creative...
Oh heck.
Let me explain.
The setting an orange on fire happened because I made cabbage rolls this morning.
And you know how you can't make a small amount of cabbage rolls?
And so because I made cabbage rolls in ridiculously vast quantities, I took a pan over to my parents.
And while I was there my Dad was by his orange trees.

And I told my parents that I had seen somewhere that you could make a scented candle out of an orange half.

And they laughed at me.
And I, with typical middle child insecurities, insisted that we try it.
We did.
It involved a lot of matches.
And a lot if disbelief on their parts.
...but finally the orange was on fire.
...and we sat around for awhile and watched it burn.
And I'm pretty sure I did the whole thing wrong because it never smelled wonderfully of citrus.
It only smelled a little bit like burnt orange frosting.
Which isn't a bad scent.
But it will probably never make me quite as famous as Adele.
And her song about Setting Fire to the Rain.
But still.
It gives me something in common with her.
And so I feel pretty cool.
And, of course...
I wanted to share that with you!

PS.   I actually researched the orange candle thing.   You're supposed to take all the pith and fruit out and just leave the little white stick-up thing in the center as a wick!   Geez.   Who knew?   I'm definitely going to try this again!
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  1. I wondered if that would be as nice as it sounded. Still it looks nice, and you really did accomplish something quite impressive.

  2. I always enjoy a visit with you Ms. Jenny! I am happy I know you and always enjoy listening to your stories. I wish I had an orange tree! How fun that would be! Plus you still have your folks! You are blessed. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs Anne

  3. Fun! I pinned something like this on Pinterest awhile ago but never tried it... Oh and just so you know, I actually sang Adele's set fire to the rain in a singing competition a few years ago!

  4. One more fun orange fact...if you squeeze the juice out of the skin and light it there will be a small flare of a miniature flame thrower.

    We find all kinds of ways to have fun around here.

  5. Love oranges!!!Love Adele!!! Love Jenny!!! Love your folks!!! (Tell them hello for me!) =)

  6. I'm tempted to give it a try but with my luck, I'd burn the house down. I'll just take your word for it.

  7. Oh you're scaring me playing with matches.........yikes! I've never heard of this before, so naturally I've gotta copy you and try it for myself.

    Thanks for calling the other day sweet friend. When am I gonna get to come over and play?

    Love ya

  8. Good luck the second time around. (I've only simmered them in water)

  9. Very cool. I am an Adele fan myself.
    I wonder if it would work to make some sort of candle out of hollowed out orange halves, where you pour in wax and put in a wick or something. I don't know. I fear I'm not very crafty.

  10. This is the kind of thing that happens when we THINK we remember how to do something we saw on a blog or Pinterest! Note to self: Don't try the orange candle without reading up on it.

  11. I think this looks like a fun experiment. I have never thought of you and Adele in the same moment, but now I should.

  12. I am going to try this and sing a song or two while it is burning:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  13. haha, this made me laugh :3 you and Adele are definitely similar! (I'd rather an orange than the rain for sure.)

  14. What fun! And how nice of you to share your cabbage rolls.

  15. How did I miss out on learning this orange information? You shame me.


  16. I love this idea of the orange. That would smell great.

    And boy I love stuffed can always send it our way. Klumkeys? ok that was phonetic spelling but isn't that what they are called? yummo!

  17. I have some wicks somewhere and plan on trying this orange candle thingy.

    I wonder if lighting the orange candle inside the kitchen after making all those cabbage rolls might freshen the air?

    Anyway,you are as hilarious and informative as ever, Jenny.

  18. Ha! You and Adele do have a lot in common. I've done that orange thing and it works best with a mandarin or clementine that's easily peeled. Saving the middle pith part is the hardest part.
    Let your little light shine!

  19. This was so great! And the pictures are priceless! Plus--now you told us the proper way to burn an orange. Have a flaming good weekend!! :)

  20. You're prettier than Adele.


  21. I wondered about lighting an orange since I have seen it on Pinterest!
    I've been cooking more cabbage and candle are a must....

  22. I think that is a really cool idea....and if I ever find myself camping in an orange grove, well I'll know how to light up the night. :) you are too cute and Adelle's got nothing on Jenny Matlock!


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Jenny Matlock