Friday, April 12, 2013


This little story is linked to week 154 of Saturday Centus. The prompt is in bold. To read other offerings, just click here.

“Drive around the block again!” I told him in near panic.
I wasn’t sure why I was even doing this.
I wasn’t sure why I had even SAID I would do this.
As we approached the front of the old building, I felt panic flare up inside me like indigestion after a bad burrito.
Unfortunately, antacid wouldn’t help what was ailing me.
“Drive around the block again!”
My cousin looked at me in annoyance. “You’re like 25 minutes late already!”
“I don’t care, drive around the block again!”
  It was the summer of 1974 and my wedding ceremony was, obviously, going to start a little late!
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  1. Cute little story. Loved the accompanying picture, ha..

  2. I know the feeling:
    "I felt panic flare up inside me like indigestion after a bad burrito."


  3. ha! i can imagine many a bride
    making that statement to her

  4. We were all at the church early so we went ahead and had the ceremony early. Big mistake. I wish I had driven around the block until I got smart.


  5. No pre-wedding jitters for me. I was chomping at the bit to tie the knot.



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