Monday, April 22, 2013

Stoned-shaped daydreams...

When I dream about the future I often dream in stones.
Stone houses, that is.
I love stone houses...of any kind...
...from castles to humble little garden sheds.
And I always blather on and on about someday.
Someday when I own some land with a little stone house on it.
And because of that simple little truth...
Mr. Jenny has been annoyed at me all day.
Mr. Jenny HATES loud noises.
He HATES screaming and shrieking.
I mean, seriously.
(I know what you're thinking!   I wonder sometimes, too, why he is married to loud, shrieky me as well...grr...)
Not only does he sigh when I'm really loud...
he glares...
and then sighs some more...
and then glares some more.
I don't think it was, technically, my fault for screaming, though...
...when we were out exploring Arizona in April again today.
There we were.
Driving through a small mining town...
...when I saw it!
I'll admit it.  
This was not really the first time I've done this.
But the other times I really, really, really needed to pee.
You know?
So those probably don't count.
But, yeah.
Not only did I scream 
 I was kinda/sorta leaning toward his side of the truck cab when I did it.
I truly couldn't help myself, though.
Look at what I saw!

I practically jumped out of the moving vehicle and kissed the decrepit, falling-down stone building.
Isn't it awesome?
And amazing?
And cool?
And I bet the owner would want to get rid of this...
And I'm pretty certain I could move this myself...
stone by stone by stone...
And I'm pretty certain I could reconstruct it myself...
stone by stone by stone...
Technically I don't even have a place to move it, too.
And I probably couldn't do it all by myself.
But a girl can dream.
And a husband can dream that his wife will become less excitable by falling-down stone buildings.
As we explored more we found another falling-down stone building...
...but when I saw that one I only smacked Mr. Jenny in the arm and pointed.
And tomorrow I'll show you more pictures of my stone-shaped daydreams.
Anybody have a little piece of land I could put a bunch of stones on?
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  1. I bet you keep your husband in stitches!
    have a great week!

  2. Oh I love it and possibly could find you a place to put it:) Have a blessed week dear Jenny, HUGS!

  3. it looks very French, that stone building...I'm thinking you could tuck it around your yard.

  4. Shut the door! Super awesome little stone cottage alone in the big desert! I too would have slammed on the brakes. Very awesome.

  5. I would call you passionate, not shrieky. Maybe just that part of the building in the second to last picture could find a special spot in your back yard. (I hope Mr. Jenny didn't hear me say that).

  6. Boy, Mr. Jenny would really hate me because I think I shrieked louder than you did at that wonderful stone tumbledownness. Very cool, Jenny! Want to come live with me and put it in my back yard???



  7. Dear Jenny, I dream of home on a little piece of land, with a long driveway lined with trees, gardens, a chicken coop and a little red barn....we have come very close to finding that exact place and I was absolutely positive that the people living there would want to sell to us really really CHEAP!! I know it will happen one day! Keep on dreaming Jenny. Cathy.

  8. Stone houses are very interesting, just because their so natural. There is a mud house that dates back to the 1800's in our neighborhood as well as The Mushroom House a few miles away.

    You'd love those two archetectural finds! I have to blog about them both.

  9. Oops, I made a spelling boo boo...should be "they're" not "their". Tsk tsk.

  10. We share the love of all things stone.

  11. I got a backyard that's not doing anything at the moment....bring it on over and we can spend an afternoon putting it together.

    Love ya'

  12. I want a gypsy wagon house. Then I could ride over to your pile of stones and we could have a campfire!

  13. I want my little cottage to be in the mountains, and it will have a jacuzzi.


  14. I understand your excitement...but mine would be to paint it in oil, watercolor, AND pastel! So happy you saw it and shared it with us:)

  15. Imagine if these stone walls could talk? I'm sure thee would be some interesting stories from long ago!

  16. And it comes with air conditioning!!!!

    M :)

  17. There is a beautiful, old stone home across the street from my NC property. I've always thought I would love to have one, since I was a young child and first saw it.

  18. Love this building. Too bad about the shrieking. Uh, I mean the over enthusiastic response.

  19. OMG, look at the stonework? I don't blame you for getting a little excited. Glad you didn't fall out of the truck or anything, or push Mr. Jenny out the driver's door by accident.

    Look forward to more of your lovely travel photos and stoned treasures...well, you know what I mean.

  20. You know I love this kind of place, so I don't blame you! Just looking at these photos fills me up with questions about who built it, who lived there, what happened to them, etc...

  21. I agree. There's something magical about stone buildings. I love bricks, too, but they're not as grown naturally from the earth as stones. ;)


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Jenny Matlock