Thursday, May 2, 2013

Finding Dan...

CONTINUED FROM 'For Years and Years'.  If you missed this story about the Mesa GM Proving Ground just click here.

...for access to salvage at the Proving Ground was not quite as easy as I planned.

I googled like crazy and found two possible company contact numbers.

I called both.

Both had full mailboxes.

I googled the name Dan in conjunction with the company names.





Mr. Jenny wandered by my office.

"Talked to Dan yet?" he asked, hopefully.

"No, not yet...but soon...I'm working on it."

I made more phone calls.
I talked to nice people.
I talked to crabby people.
I left messages.
I sent e-mails.
And finally on Tuesday afternoon I got an e-mail back!
And the e-mail said, "Call Terry who would be willing to meet you there and see if there's anything you'd like to buy!"
I called Terry.
And left a message.
And then I had Mr. Jenny call Terry.
And Terry said, "Sure.  Let's meet out there Thursday afternoon and we can see if there's anything you're interested in!"
And Thursday afternoon feels like a lonnnnng time away.
But I know that it isn't.
And I'm really excited.
I don't know what there is.
And I don't know what we can buy.
But we get to go inside the gates!
And I'm totally excited!
We'll take the camera and I'll show you what happens.
Unless I die of excitement.
Or if a giant piece of rubble falls on me and crushes my fingers.
Or if this is a just a trick and Mr. Jenny and I are held hostage by GM and made to work as slaves removing all the top secret stuff.
If none of the above happens, though, I'll be back to tell you all about what happens!
 post signature


  1. Oh dear Jenny, be careful! Have the Hubby lead the way:) Have a blessed and exciting day, HUGS!

  2. Be careful! Do you have your tetanus shot? Do I sound like your mother???



  3. I bet there are lot of treasures!

  4. I would love to poke around that place with you guys! A month or so ago we were in the Yuma area for a couple of weeks. While there I saw that GM had a proving ground there also. I didn't realize that GM had moved from Mesa to Yuma because it would be in a "no-fly" zone!
    Can't wait to see your visit...

  5. Way to leave us hanging now!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. I am totally impressed, I figured you'd have a long hunt on your hand, and those full mailboxes, what in the world is that all about, cuz they happen far too often. I mean really they can't clear out their messages??? I am excited to see what you can buy, although you never know how silly they may charge for some stuff, but just getting inside and taking a look is well worth it right?!! Of course it is, and who knows there might be something cool that is affordable too!

  7. Persistence!

    Can't wait to see what you find!!

  8. Wow a big mystery!

    Waiting for the next

    M :)

  9. I can't wait to hear/see Miss Jenny!

  10. More Jenny and photos!! This is exciting and I'm just reading about it!


  11. Oh boy, Jenny I read part one and two and now I'm intrigued at what you'll find to buy!

  12. how exiting!! take your camera. and work gloves. and lots of notes.

  13. Great! I hate hanging by my stubby bitten nails.

    Expect fabulous pictures...Good luck.

  14. I had left this post pulled up on the computer, and my husband started reading it, asking what it was all about! Probably it peaked his interest because of working at a Ford assembly plant out of Kansas City in the early years of our marriage!

  15. I hope to see pictures of treasures!
    Be careful! :)

  16. I thoroughly understand your excitement about knowing you will get behind the gates. I was born on an Army Proving Ground. Top secret stuff. The hospital I was born in was torn down before I ever made it there (in my 20s) to see if I could find my original foot prints. Just saw a vacant lot. Nowhere near where all the secrets kepts. But reading your story has vicarious interest for me.

  17. I'm reading backwards, so I already know what happens...but I'm glad it turned out even better than you could have imagined!



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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock