Friday, May 24, 2013

How to NOT start a road trip right!

Follow these simple instructions to start a road trip in a not particularly pleasant fashion.
1.   Wake your person at approximately 3:12 am on the morning you are leaving.
2.   Ask them an extremely relevant question.  An example of which might be, "How do you suppose  someone figured out how to roll out corn kernels to make corn flakes?"
3.  Prepare for your person to be cranky for a hundred miles or so since you woke them up so early.
I am neither confirming or denying that I did, indeed, wake Mr. Jenny with this exact question.
But, seriously.
How do YOU suppose someone figured out how to roll out corn kernels to make corn flakes?
I mean, really.   Think how long it would have taken to make just one bowl of cereal.
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  1. They were probably inspired by tortillas? Also corn-based dough rolled out flat and made into various shapes, can also be baked into crispy bits.

  2. Oh it is gonna be a long ride for you Ms. Jenny:) Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  3. Hope you're farther along by now and everyone is awake. xo Jenny

  4. I never thought about that. Now it will bother me all day. Thanks a lot.


  5. Umm...if you really did wake him up to ask that question...maybe an adjustment of your medication is necessary? LOL!

  6. ssssh, I'm still trying to get yesterdays lyrics out of my brain .... ;)

  7. Anyone daring to wake me THAT early, deserves what they get! LOL! Although I was rarely in bed at that hour, until recently.

  8. now I will be able to think of nothing else all day long...

  9. Next time try googling it. Tell Mr. Jenny it could be worse. He could have a bunch of cats like me. I'm up early every morning!

  10. Jenny I would be cranky if you woke me that early and asked me that question..just sayin! :)

  11. Men. Where is their sense of curiosity?


  12. The bigger questions is how do the make rice krispies talk??

  13. I'm right with you, Jenny. I always wonder who came up with this stuff!

  14. Ha.Ha. One of life's unanswerable questions!

  15. They use a giant rolling thingy.
    I'm pretty sure.
    Or maybe a big iron.
    I will call TGD in Denmark and ask him.


    This link will take you too a program that investigated how cornflakes were made. It was a very insitedul series's . Enjoy your road trip

  17. lol! Hey, I saw a whole tv show on exactly how they make cornflakes and similar cereals on "how its made" I am always amazed that someone has thought of how to make all the machinery that makes all the stuff we live with everyday.
    have a great day and dont wake up hubby up so early! it makes them miseable, which in turn ticks us off too! LOL!
    happy memorial day weekend!

  18. Oh my. Such a difficult question and it's after eight in the morning here, not the middle of the night.
    Anyone going on a road trip registers at the corn flake place. The tires on their truck is lambasted with kernels of corn. this serves two purposes: traction and later corn flakes. Ta da. No?

  19. Laugh Out Loud! You are seriously deranged aren't you?!? I think that is why I love you so much! Safe travels!

  20. I'm with Mr Jenny here... WHO CARES?!!!! :)

  21. LOL....I've never thought about that. I would love to know how they got my rice so krispie that it snaps, crackles and pops though.

  22. That is a very good question and not irrelevant at all! Have fun on the road trip.


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Jenny Matlock