Saturday, June 1, 2013

Painted Alphabet - Letter B

Be careful.

There's an insect and some possibly affectionate dogs in this B post.

I'm trying to paint my way through childhood songs this round...We'll see how that goes.

In that theme, here's my first painted Alphabet sign...

15 1/2" x 9"

School is out here and our oldest Grandlittle, Julia,  has resumed her little sign painting business.   She's sold three so far and she is super excited.

Her "B" offerings for the week are:

12" x 12"

12" x 12"

12" x 12"

Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter B.   To read other B offerings, just click here.
post signature


  1. These are SO cute, Jenny. SO cute.



  2. Cute! I love that you are going to paint your way through childhood songs! Julia's signs are adorable also!

  3. Now you have me singing about a baby bumble bee.

  4. fun signs Jenny creative ways of showing off your view on life

  5. Little Julia painted those??????

    OMGosh, they're growing up too fast, but wow, she's talented.

    Hey, I'm having a class on paper dolls on the 15th, maybe you and the girls wanna come?

    Love ya,

  6. Lovely and your granddaughter is catching up to you--heartwarming.

  7. Oh dear...I don't know that childhood song about the bee.

  8. They are all so cute, but of course, I love the bumble bee!!! Buzz Buzz

  9. What great signs! I love the bumblebee song!

  10. I love bumblebees! What a sweet sign!

  11. Especially love the bumblebee one!


  12. Congratulations to Julia!
    If i remember correctly, that bumble bee song doesn't turn out too well for the bee!

  13. I think that bumble bee one is my favorite yet. Oh so cute!


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Jenny Matlock