Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Preheat oven to 110 degrees...

...slather little girls and Grandma with suntan oil...
Run to various activities and in and out of air conditioning.
Get in and out of the car.
Enjoy the sizzle.
Bake until cranky.
Insert baked people into swimming pool and cool as rapidly as possible.
Life in the Valley of the Sunstroke, Arizona.

Summer's here...
and there's no dancing in the streets.
It's just too ridiculously hot!
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  1. We had that kind of summer last year and I felt like I was trapped in the house...no pool here! So far we are just wet and it seems cooler than usual. I do think we are supposed to get very warm tomorrow, but then the storm is coming again. I like

  2. Ok please can me and my new partner we need some sun

  3. Yep, when we're talking about hot, I KNOW you understand what that means! Hot here, too... and muggy.

  4. That kind of heat is so draining. Here in Minnesota I've hardly needed my summer wardrobe yet.

  5. Phew-- I felt that! Sizzlin'...! We are in the 90's today in mid-MO. Too early for that here, but I will withhold my complaining for now when I think of your neck of the woods. now *that's* a Scorcher! -Tammy

  6. "But at least it is a dry heat", at least that is what we always hear around here. It is around 100 today, so wet or dry it is just plain hot.

  7. I thought I'd melt when I went out to get a few things today. And it's not even the end of June. August and September are usually the worst part.


  8. Well all I can say is Yay for dunking in the pool!!! It's been so humid here you just sweat without moving...not fun!


  9. Amen Sister! That is one of the reasons that we finally moved from Mesa. Way too hot for our britches. Although the swimming pools in AZ are awesome!!

  10. Very funny ( I think ) - but I've got you beat. I arrived back in India June 3. Am desperately looking for a room to rent as hotel living is destroying my budget. Not only is it swelteringly hot in this city of nearly TWENTY MILLION people, monsoon season has begun and you would not believe the total chaos in the flooded streets, with thousands of auto rickshaws racing pell mell. There is no such thing as traffic lanes here!

  11. i don't know how you stand that kind of heat.

  12. It was 92 degrees here today. The humidity made it unbearable. Like breathing water. Thank goodness for the A/C and the pool!

  13. So miserable, I'm sure.
    We have vacationed there in
    July and it was a HOT one.

    Try to stay cool.

    :o )

  14. I am anything but a fan of heat. We got up to 82 today and I was melting! I don't know how you survive over there!

  15. I know the heat is miserable and I don't even have time to get in the pool! Try to stay cool dear Jenny, HUGS!

  16. That's the word I've been getting from the grandsons. They were SO happy to get pool passes!

  17. This sounds like a family of French fries. Hee-hee. Pretty imaginative. Love it.

    I don't want to be cooked, just warm this summer. Hope we get some nice weather here. Today's a lovely surprise.

  18. I'll take snow any day. That sizzling heat does me in.

    It's a great day here in upstate NY. Seventy degrees, blue skies, loads of sunshine. For now.

    Love the post, Jenny. It certainly appeals to the senses.

  19. Wow! That sunball is vibrating!

    aaaahhhh...for the coolness of lovely water!

  20. From age 6-11 I lived in the desert near Palm Springs. We used to live in our pool every summer.


  21. That is so darn hot! I live in the land of mild. It's low to mid 70's for the rest of the month and July is supposed to be in the mid to high 60's. You know how much I love the desert, but I just couldn't live there because of the summer heat.
    Stay cool and stay in the pool Jenny!

  22. Come visit us! Nothing but scattered showers on the horizon for the rest of the week :)

    Hope you find some cool shade :)

  23. The only downside to beautiful Arizona; summer. I'd spend as much time in that pool as possible!!


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Jenny Matlock