Monday, July 29, 2013

Cry Baby?


One of my daughters.

She is cool.

Very, very cool.

And creative.

Very, very creative.
The other ones are cool and creative, too, but I'm focusing on this daughter at the moment.
And, no.   She's not my favorite.
This daughter is the one with the with the  lip-hiding baby, Remi.
She's the one leaving this week for a very, very, very long international flight.
The baby has never flown before.
Sure, he looks sweet and cute and like he wouldn't make a peep...

...but looks are deceiving.
He is cute!
He is sweet!
But peep-less?
Not so much.
He is a talker.   And a squeaker.  And although he doesn't cry much, when he does it is with wild abandon and great volume.
So the very, very cool and very, very creative daughter came up with an idea.
She's going to pass these out on the plane.

See that little orange thing at the bottom left?   That's a set of earplugs.
I hope if Remi decides to be noisy on the plane, his cuteness will help people from getting annoyed.
But this cleverr little idea might help just a bit, too.
Prayers and good wishes for their safety would be much appreciated!
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  1. Oh my goodness! She is too sweet!! I love this idea and I bet she'll have lots of friends on that flight. Remi is too cute!! Safe travels to your family!!

  2. That is very clever and very sweet! Love that photo of Remi!


  3. He is so darn cute.
    I for one, can tolerate a crying goes with the territory of flying.
    Your daughter (all of them, but lets focus on this one today) is a GENIUS!!!!!!! Best of luck to them all.

  4. Your daughter is so thoughtful! I never mind a crying baby, having crossed the ocean many times with an infant. Let's hope she sits near a mature military spouse - someone who's 'been there'!

  5. Your daughter is so thoughtful! I never mind a crying baby, having crossed the ocean many times with an infant. Let's hope she sits near a mature military spouse - someone who's 'been there'!

  6. prayers for safety being sent. that's seriously one of the coolest, most creative things I've ever seen!

  7. Oh he is such an adorable baby, Jenny! I don't think your daughter has to be worried--most people are very kind and tolerant when babies fly. I've sat next to countless babies when I;ve flown and never minded if they cry. Your daughter's idea is very sweet!

  8. What a clever idea there! Wow. I hope the plane ride is easy for them both and that baby is so cute and squishy!

  9. Haha...I must admit bribery will probably work and at the very least get a chuckle from most people on the plane! Hope the flight goes well for "everyone"!!

  10. What a great idea. She should be very popular with a cutie pie for a baby and some sweets included.

  11. clever! I could have used that once....unfortunately....I had to move. The baby just screamed!!

  12. That's a brilliant idea. I wish I'd thought of that when we flew with baby Hurricane (just a Storm Cloud) from Washington state to New York and from Washington state to Maryland, and so on and so forth.


  13. Hi Jenny,
    Will sure be praying for them, I would not want to take any flight with a baby let alone and Int'l flight. God Bless her........
    That was a great idea to make those lil peace offerings.......
    He is such a cutie maybe he will win
    everyones heart before he has any crying, and maybe with people praying he want have any crying, wouldn't that be grand.

    Very Cute Post, I wish them well
    on their flight.
    Blessings, Nellie

  14. Very clever indeed....she is a smart one! I wish I had been that clever on the first flight with my first child. It was so painful I can still remember it over 40 years later.

  15. Awww! Great idea! Where are they headed?

  16. What a nice idea. My first international flight with my oldest son resulted in me being yelled at by a paasenger who had too much to drink. Over the years I've never forgotten the unkind passenger and i try to be supportive of traveling parents. Its not easy but your daughter is going to be well supported because of her innovative idea!

  17. Very clever! Also, she might want to get some small cups to put over the baby's ears, just in case he has problems with the take offs and landings. It helps to equalize the pressure.

  18. What a great idea! Your daughter should sell the idea to the airlines...she'd make a fortune.

    Prayers for safety are coming your way.

    Is there family internationally?

  19. What an adorable baby!! I'll have your daughter and Remi on the prayer list. What a nice idea to offer treats and earplugs!! Creative like her mom.

  20. Blessing and prayers for a smooth trip for ALL !

    He is a cutie!!!


  21. His cuteness will most certainly help BUT so will the treat bag! I will join you in praying! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  22. He looks like an alert, vocal baby to me. ;) What a "sweet" idea. I hope they have an excellent flight.

  23. Oh she definitely takes after you......and that idea is pure genius! Egads he's adorable!

    Love you,

  24. How cute is that?? I would respond very positively to that approach.

    BTW, he looks like you!


  25. Wow! so very clever!! Your daughter is VERY cool and creative!
    and Remi is a cutie!

  26. A wonderfully imaginative way to create some good will in advance. I hope all the passengers are mellow and that the baby doesn't cry much anyway.

  27. That is so darn clever!
    What a great idea...


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Jenny Matlock