Thursday, July 25, 2013

I don't know you...

I haven't walked a mile in your shoes.
Or even a block.
I don't know what pain you are suffering...
in mind or in body.
I don't know your worries.
I don't know your sad stories.
I don't know about the phone calls you got before you came out today...
...or the news your best friend just told you on the phone.
I don't know you.
I'm sorry that sometimes I feel quick to judge you.
That sometimes I get snappy with you when you reach in front of me to grab the frozen peas at the grocery store.
I'm sorry that I don't offer you a smile.
Or a compliment.
Or a kind word.
Or a non-glare.
I don't know you.
And I am going to work on that.
I am going to work on my tolerance.
And I am going to smile at you today and tell what a pretty shade of purple your t-shirt is.
I don't know you.
But I'm really sorry that things feel so awful right now.
post signature 


  1. Yes, I needed to 'read' and hear this too ~ Thanks, Jenny ~ Great macro photos ^_^ ~ Happy Day too.

  2. Show them your "eyebrows" they will be quick to smile and you will know them.

  3. If only more people had compassion like this. If only more people thought before they acted. This is beautiful.

  4. Wow as a nation we should read this in the uk

  5. We all need to say this to the world.


  6. YOU are awesome. And yes, I KNOW you. :)

  7. Thanks, Jenny. I needed this. I have been dealing with my sister-in-law's Alzheimer's and my nephew got mad at me that I mentioned his mother had the disease on my blog. That upset me and I thought, he doesn't know me or how I write. I would never hurt someone intentionally. It has made me take a look at what I am saying viewed from someone else's eyes. xo Jenny

  8. This was beautiful, Jenny! It is true we can't know what another is going through in their lives. We all have our struggles and needs. It is a good reminder to keep kindness in our hearts. Bless you!

  9. This is beautiful.

  10. Oh boy - I wish I had read this before I headed out to work this morning! It would have helped....a lot!

  11. What a truly lovely post. :)

  12. I always need a figurative whack in the head....poetically today was perfect.
    Wonderful poem.

  13. Sweet Jenny:) Love you to pieces! Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  14. That was really good Jenny! I could certainly be be a little more tolerant sometimes. I have a short fuse when it comes to people who are having a bad day, taking it out on me. Especially so if I don't know them.
    Granny used to say, "if you are having a bad day, you should be the only one who knows it."

  15. Well done that one! When you know what it feels like to be on the other side of that glare and you are hurting so much, it would be good to know; that 'Jenny' was the person you bumped into next.

  16. We should all strive for this...


  17. paradigm shift.
    We never really do know, do we?
    might as well extend some compassion.


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Jenny Matlock