Friday, August 9, 2013

Thanks but no thanks!

This silly little poem is linked to week 172 of Saturday Centus.   The prompt is in bold.   To read other 107 word offerings using this prompt, just click here.  PS.  It's fiction!
I’m campaigning as the Mayor of Stress Town

Take my pamphlet please!

I have lots of experience

As you can plainly see!

Three crazy ex's and Mom of three.

Single parent, poverty.

Being positive in spite of ick

Menopause and chronic sick

Eight step-kids and lots of Grands

I know you voters understand!

Mayor!  Mayor! 

Vote today!

Mayor!  Mayor!

What’s that you say?

Mayor!  Mayor!

There’s stinky pay?

Instead I get a parking space?

What!  Seriously!?! 

I’m out of this race!

I’m already Mayor of Stress Town.

Sadly this is true.

But at least if you don’t elect me!

I don't have to take care of you!
post signature 


  1. LOL! oh the joys of life!!!
    fab poem!

  2. Great poetry Jenny! I feel like the mayor of Stress Town some days myself!

  3. Haha!! What a great way to throw some perspective out there. Here I was thinking I was going to be mayor of stress town. Good to see how good I have it. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Now this really made me laugh!! :):)

  5. Oh my gosh...this made me laugh! You are so creative.

  6. This gave me such a laugh. Really cute.



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Jenny Matlock