Saturday, August 17, 2013

Un-painted Alphabet for the Letter M

M is such a marvelous letter.

I had soooo many good ideas for signs this week including Mary had a Little Lamb, Make Haste Slowly AND Mary did you know.


A very, very mischievous tooth decided it would be fun to shatter and then annoy me with a bone AND a sinus infection.

To punish the little mongrel, I'm having it extracted on Monday morning along with lots of other fun dental surgical icky stuff.


Instead of painting.

I sat around my house moaning and groaning.



That's what I do when my whole face hurts.

Since I can't show you pictures of my un-painted Letter M's, I'll just show you some signs I painted before...

Typography style. Marigold  hand-painted wooden sign 16 x 19

Monkey See Monkey Do hand-painted wooden sign 12" x 12"
 Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter M.   To read other M offerings, just click here.
post signature


  1. Ouch and oooooh! Hope you get some relief, soon!

  2. M is for Matlock moaning, sad to say. Hope the dental procedures are quick and easy.

  3. Not fun. I hope you feel better soon and that the procedure is not too painful. Moan away.

  4. Dental issues are so awful--your face hurts, your head hurts, and it's hard to think. I hope you are soon on the mend.

  5. Hope you feel better really SOON!

  6. Oh Jenny, tooth problems are awful. Hope your feel better soon. I love the Marigold sign!


  7. I love your signs! So imaginative and creative!

    Thanks again for taking the time to comment on my paintings! I appreciate your noticing the sense of motion that I was trying to capture.

  8. Hwy, Jenny, I sat 4 hours in a dentist chair last week to have an extraction and two caps made, so I feel your pain! I hope you are feeling better!

  9. Poor girl ! That must have hurt !
    Pain kills creativity ! It will be better now.

  10. Ouch! Tooth pain is the very worst.
    Hope you get relief soon,


  11. YIKES... that's NO fun:( Hope you get rid of that MEAN tooth and feel all better quickly! LOVE THE SIGNS:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  12. So sorry for your tooth ache....does the tooth fairy pay for partial teeth under the pillow? No! It's the Tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth!

  13. I hope the extraction goes well and quickly. Dentist visits are never fun. I don't even like getting my teeth cleaned!
    I especially liked your marigold!! :)

  14. Missing linking but still here and always sharing too! I Love your signs! They are everywhere and you hand paint them so beautifully! Have a good week and stay cool! Hugs Anne

  15. I'm so sorry for your dental woes. I share your agony. I need to have 12 old silver fillings replaced. I'm doing them three at a time, if and when I can pay what the insurance doesn't cover.


  16. OH! Hope your dental appointment goes smoothly! These M signs are marvelous...perhaps you will feel super charged after your appointment today and will want to get more M signs created :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  17. That kind of pain really sucks!
    The M signs are great.
    Hang on Jenny!

  18. Love both of these. So sorry you are having dental issues Jenny. Almost nothing worse than that. Today is I'm hoping you are feeling better by now!

  19. You are the best Mom in the world!

    I know your mouth is hurting ya' and I hope it starts to feel better...

    Eating mushy food has to be getting old by now...

    I love ya'!

  20. I had a tooth shatter a week before my baby was born. SO not comfortable. Hope it feels better for you soon!


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Jenny Matlock