...shared these words with me a few days ago.
I've been struggling trying to remember that only sticks and stones can break your bones...
Words can't break bones...
Words can hurt.
And they do hurt.
And they leave gaping wounds inside our hearts once in awhile.
My dear friend listened to me cry and try to find understanding about some especially hurtful, cruel words.
I love my friend.
She always 'gets' me.
And while you don't know her, she gives me great advice...
And I thought I'd share her with you.
In case you need advice.
And you need someone to 'get' you, too!
Here's what she said...
"I'm sending you a link to a quote from Theodore Roosevelt. Blow your nose and go read it and then I'll call you back in an hour or so."
I blew my nose.
Opened the link.
And read this...
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Amazing words.
I suspect you're trying valiantly, too.
And daring greatly.
Keep going, my friend.
I 'get' you, too!
That's a great quotation. I'm so sorry someone hurt you.
I "get" you too sweetie...
ReplyDeleteAnd a wonderful friend you have there, too, which makes me glad.
Beautiful friendship!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful quote and so true. Friends help us get through the tough times.
ReplyDeleteI wish you peace and may the person who hurt you get fleas. REALLY bad.
And Poison Oak.
We all need friends like that. Great quote. Gonna steal it and contemplate it. I've been hurt greatly, too. I'm so sorry it happened to you.
ReplyDeleteTina @ Life is Good
When people say hateful things it is usually a reflection on how they view themselves. I've witnessed this from a couple of people at work who will publicly say amazingly hurtful things, mostly all completely untrue or they completely twist facts to suit their agenda. When I really look at how they view themselves, they are struggling internally so I suppose it makes them feel better to bash someone else. I hope you are feeling better soon.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, thank you for sharing it with us!
ReplyDeleteWords are so hurtful often. I know. I am sending a big hug to you fro me! Love the words you chose to share. Double Hug! Anne
ReplyDeleteWords are interesting. They have the potential to be devastating and healing. I am so sad you have a troll in your life, but how wonderful for your angel friend. That is great advice she shared with you, and thank you for sharing it with us!
ReplyDeleteWords hurt more then anything else. And there is no medication, plaster, surgery etc against them to heal.
ReplyDeleteA dear friend once gave me this advice :
"Be yourself everyone else is taken"(Oscar Wild) So I try to be myself if it pleases or not !
We get each other:) Love those words of encouragement! I am going to share them! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
ReplyDelete((Warm Hugs))
ReplyDeleteOur team has had to create new blogs several times due to the cruelty of trolls. People who say that trolls are harmless either have much thicker skin than I do, or they have never encountered a truly vicious troll.
ReplyDeleteA good friend is worth her weight in gold!
Excellent quote! I believe it's those we care about most, that have the greatest ability to hurt us. If that was the case with you, hopefully it gets squared away and the hurt can begin to mend, even if the words can never be taken back.
ReplyDeleteWonderful quote and great words to live by and think about. I am sorry you are hurting my friend.
When I was president of a women's group, I put this quote in all the board manuals. It is wise, and I am so sorry you are hurt. I love you and wish I could be there to give you a hug in person. How about some cyber love in the interim?
The problem with that situation is how to keep it from eating you. That is what I deal with when a certain person in my life does it to me. Somehow I irritate her and I don't know when I will. If I keep thinking about it I can get really depressed. If you find out how to shake it off let me know. Hugs from a fellow punching bag. xo Jenny
ReplyDeleteWonderful words! Thank you for sharing. I loved the quote, and try to live my life by the efforts alone, not letting the outcome rule me. I think the trolls out there are "ill" and just need a little attention. You are a wonderful example of "effort", and the good people out there recognize it. We "get" you, and love you!
ReplyDeleteLove you too Jenny....:):)
ReplyDeleteWow; very wise words. She is a good friend...isn't it great when someone 'gets' you! Wishing you all the best Jenny.
I can't imagine anyone being unkind to someone a caring and sweet as you. Great words of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great thing to have friends who "get" you. Especially great when there are so many jerks out there. Hang in there Jenny!
ReplyDeletesuch a fabulous quote!