Monday, October 21, 2013

You know that annoying saying...

... like blah, blah, blah
...whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
Who thought that ridiculousness up anyway?
If it were even vaguely true...
THIS !!!

... would be me.
And, honey.
...the only time I look anything like THIS...
... is in Mr. Jenny's most hopeful dreams.
PS.   Getting stronger by the day here!  I miss you guys!  Hope to see you more soon!
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  1. There was a time when I agreed with that statement and I became a stronger person but when the hurt continues I no longer see that happening.
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS))

  2. It is nice to get good news...that you are getting stronger, better...
    Ah yes, and I would look so good if......

  3. If it was true, I'd be strong enough to take care of both of us!

    Glad to hear you are getting stronger!

  4. I've heard that crap, er I mean 'wise' saying many times. Hang in there Jenny! Miss you too!

  5. I am dreaming to look that way one day too Jenny! Thank you for the email and comment on my blog. It always helps to know someone is on your side.:) Cathy

  6. Hurry back! I miss you! Hugs and prayers coming your way.

  7. Sending big smiles...because you are so good at making me smile- so right back at ya! Hang in there! And feel free to knock the block off of anyone who says those a loving way...? ;)

  8. I'm glad you're getting stronger, Jenny. hugs.

  9. I hate that cliche and want to kill anyone who says it to me!
    I also hate the old "tis better to have loved and lost" chestnut.
    I'm glad you're starting to feel stronger though.

  10. Keep your eye on the prize(or the end of the tunnel), what ever it is for you. You will get it! xo Jenny

  11. Glad to hear you're getting stronger.

    I looked like that young chick in the picture for about 5 minutes when I was about 17. ;-)

  12. Praying that you feel better soon and very soon.



  13. ahhh...sweetie -sending all the good mojo I can find around here....

  14. I miss you too! I will post in Alphabe Thursday, I got busy and thought you put a hold on that as well as Saturday Centus! Please keep that open at least....okay, okay, pretty please. Hugs and kisses, get better fast!

  15. So, so happy to hear that you are feeling better!


  16. Jenny, hope you get better real soon.

  17. Some of those old sayings just keep coming up even though we know they are crap. :)
    I DO hope you are feeling better. YOU are missed.

  18. There should be some address you can send a notice to saying you have passed the course and are strong enough.

  19. just keep on getting stronger ... and stronger .... you are so missed!

  20. strong is beautiful. keep up the
    good work!

  21. Sending you hugs and sunshine from Australia - so glad you have the strength!


  22. Hope you just about back to normal by now Jenny!


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock