Sunday, November 24, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Thankful A AND A GIVEAWAY

This round of the alphabet I want to share what I'm thankful for.   I might throw a sign or two in when I can as well.  I'm having a giveway this week, too!   Info is at the bottom of this post!

I am thankful I have Always been geographically close to 4/5ths of our Grandlittles.
But I am learning the pain so many of you suffer when these dear ones are far away.
Our beautiful Granddaughters are moving to Ireland.
What an adventure for them all.
I'm excited but I'm already feeling the loss of seeing them several times a week!
Our daughter-in-law has worked at least part-time since the oldest was born 11 1/2 years ago and we've been lucky enough to be babysitters as well as Grandparents.
But now our son's job is moving the family for several years.
Things are going really quickly and they will be leaving right after Christmas to west of  Dublin, Ireland.
My nephew says they will save a lot of money on sunscreen since two of the three are red-haired and freckled.
I'm just buckling up my Grandma seatbelt and am trying to stay on the ride of my emotions.
In the spirit of the move I wanted to offer up this beautiful leather bracelet for a giveaway.
It is very close to 7 1/2" from clasp to clasp. Green leather accented by  gorgeous black and green grommets highlighted by three silver flowers.   Three flowers for three Granddaughters.   And green, of course, for Ireland.
My sister makes these bracelets.   She doesn't have a shop but if you're interested in any for gifts, I'd be glad to send you some pictures and I know she'd be glad to sell some!   There's a wide variety available.
The one shown is $30 with free postage.
To enter this giveaway, just comment on THIS POST.   You can enter up to five times with any comment.  Just be certain I have an e-mail address to get hold of you so I can mail you your prize if you win!
Five entries available...each comment to THIS post is considered an entry
Be sure I have an e-mail address for you so I can reach you to ship your prize
Giveaway ends Friday, November 29.  
Winner will be posted Saturday, November 30 and notified by e-mail.
Bracelet will ship on Monday, December 2.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter A.   To read other A offerings, just click here.
post signature


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh Jenny, that will be so hard to have them move that far away! What a great adventure they will have though!! Love the bracelet!
hugs, Linda

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh Jenny -- what an amazing time your son and DIL and granddaughters will have in Ireland! I feel your pain that they will be so far way from you, but I hope you will be able to make a few trips to see them as I know you will also love Ireland. I've visited Ireland quite a few times in my life and each time I was totally enchanted by the beauty and the wonderful people who live there.

Your sister's bracelet is beautiful--she is very talented, as are you!

Have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving my friend!

XO, Pat

Leovi said...

A lovely bracelet!

Gattina said...

My grandson lives in Amsterdam, I don't see him very often but fortunately there is Skype ! You can see them, that's a great invention !

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I feel pretty lonely and mine are only a couple of hours away. Sorry, sweetie. Maybe it's time you and Mr. Jenny went to Ireland for a wee visit?



"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Aww Jenny, I understand completely how you are feeling. When our daughter, SIL and only granddaughter moved to Scotland, I thought my heart would break. Skype is the only thing that makes it bearable! Hopefully there will be visits back and forth as we have done. Ireland is a beautiful place to visit!

Terra said...

Pretty bracelet.
Oh how hard for you that those adorable grandkids are moving to Ireland. Perhaps only for a couple years and they will return. I visited Ireland briefly and saw all the James Joyce sites in Dublin. If you visit perhaps you can go to Belfast and visit Little Lea where C.S. Lewis was born and raised.

Jo said...

oh my, I am sure your heart is breaking ... but it is not forever ... and there is skype .... and email and facebook and all of those techy things that allow us to speak to our loved ones far away ... and oh what fun they will have exploring a new lifestyle ... and ancient buildings and all kinds of wonderments ...

Lola said...

Sad but also exciting news - just think of those future visits to the Emerald Isle!!

Bookie said...

Sorry to hear this, Jenny. Know how hard it will be to let your bunnies fly away for a while. But I so hope you can visit there, that is will be new adventures for all including you. Modern living offers much but the toll on families is steep. You can do this!

Janie Junebug said...

That's a beautiful bracelet, but I'm so sorry for you. I'm having a giveaway, too. I hope you'll drop by to enter.


Ms. A said...

Oh, Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear the grandlittles will be moving so far away. So terribly sorry. *tear

Anonymous said...

You are going to have to visit them. I have been there several times and love it. I know you are going to miss them.

Theresa said...

Oh my goodness... I thought 7 hours was a long way:( You will have to visit them! That is such a pretty bracelet! BIG HUGS coming your way sweet Jenny!

Cathy Kennedy said...

I can only imagine this is astonishing news to absorb for you. My heart aches for you. I don't have grandchildren yet, but I can certainly imagine on precisely how this must feel. My prayers & thoughts are with you!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Well, I hope you will have an opportunity to visit♪ What an adjustment for everyone! All the best♫

Whispering Thoughts said...

The birds always fly away, don't they? All the best for to you and yours for the coming times. May God be with you always

Annesphamily said...

Hi Jenny! I feel for you. I know how much you loved having the grand littles! But now you have the opportunity to go visit them! Nick's former room mate Darragh is a native of Ireland! So we hope to travel there one day. He gives great ideas and tips!
Your sister, like yourself, is quite talented. I truly love that bracelet. I am out of sorts. This is my blogaversary month and I nearly forgot! LOL. Then we are moving this weekend at my office. UGH! I am not sure where they are keeping me so say a prayer! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I Know it will be hard with the kids leaving but you will be able to talk on line and see their smiling faces too! Hugs to you Anne

The Quintessential Magpie said...


I want to reach through the screen and hug you. I am in tears for you, but time does pass quickly, and like someone said, there is Skype. Big hugs to you. Big, BIG hugs.



Rachel said...

Oh my... I am glad you can see it for the adventure it will be, but it is more than a little heartbreaking to a Grandma's heart!

Might there be a visit to dear Ireland in your future? And adventure too?! :)

Jeanne said...

Oh, my -- you'll miss them! But maybe this will be the chance for a trip to Ireland? That bracelet is beautiful!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

OH!! I understand what you mean! (This is why my hubby and I moved to Kentucky…to be closer to where we know all our three will all settle down at…not all are here yet, but hopefully in about 2 to 2and a half years.) Yes, you must visit there and I agree with the other commenters, about Thank goodness for the fact time, Skype, etc…

& Thank you for a chance for this beautiful bracelet. My sister in law is Irish and they named their daughter Brecken (Irish for "freckles").

Dear, dear friend, have a blessed Thanksgiving and I know that you will enjoy every moment together!

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you also for continuing your wonderful Alphabe-thursdays!