Sunday, December 15, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Thankful D

This round of the alphabet I want to share what I'm thankful for.   

I am thankful that our Grand-daughters are only moving the Distance of 4,977 miles to Dublin, Ireland right after Christmas.

It could be farther.

It could be the ends of the earth.

Oh wait.



Maybe it just feels like that.


It'll be okay.

It'll be okay.

It'll be a good experience for them.

It'll be okay.

Holy moly.

It is quite a Distance to Dublin from Arizona.

But absence makes the heart grow fonder.


This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter D.   To read other D offerings, just click here.
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  1. Oh my Jenny! That is far yet sounds like such an adventure. I hope you can save up every penny and go for a visit!

  2. Somehow I get the feeling that you will be visiting Ireland in the not so distant future! It's supposed to be very beautiful . . .

  3. Big, big hugs.

    So glad you liked the pencils. I wanted them for my wordsmith!

    Love you,


  4. Oh Jenny, I know how much those little red-headed darlings mean to you. I guess there is now a trip to Dublin in your future, right? Hugs of compassion,
    Tina @ Life is Good

  5. That's not the end of the world ! Australia would be farer ! Be happy for them that they don't move to France or Germany where English is not the official language. At least they can speak to everybody and even go shopping without any problem. You will get used to it and then they grow too and suddenly grandma becomes less interesting, lol !

  6. Just think about the wonderful trip you'll get to take to visit them after they've settled in and found all the wonderful places to visit.

  7. or perhaps you will become more interesting!
    many hugs!
    I am sure you are very special to them and they will be sad, too.

  8. 2014 is going to be challenging yet inspiring♪ Will be looking forward to hearing how it goes! Happy Thoughts♪

  9. No doubt about it - Dublin is far away. Thank goodness for skyp and facetime and for blogging too. My heart goes out to you, nevertheless.

  10. That really IS a long, long way away, isn't it? Thank goodness for modern communications! And now you have a reason to travel to Dublin. ;)

  11. It will be a great experience for them and it will give you a wonderful place to visit. How long are they going to be gone? Is it a year or two or (gulp) forever? I know you're going to really miss them. I'm so sorry.

  12. Wow! That is a really long ways away. I'm sorry to hear that, but Ireland is an amazing place to visit (or so I've heard). A lot of my family is there. I don't know any of them, but say hello for me anyway!

    I got something nice in the mail today! Thank you so much.

  13. I'm sure it feels even farther than the ends of the earth.


  14. Thank you very much! I wish you a happy holiday!


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Jenny Matlock