Sunday, December 22, 2013

Alphabe-Thursday Thankful E

This round of the alphabet I want to share what I'm thankful for. 

I am thankful that our  Every moment Mr. Jenny and I have had being active in day to day life with our beautiful Granddaughters for 11 1/2 years!

We have been richly blessed with the gift of time spent in close proximity.

Watching these three lovely girls come into this world and experiencing so many moments with them...

Talking, walking, first days of school, last days of school.

Booboos and happiness...

Stuffed animals and electronics.

We've had a rare gift that many grandparents never get to experience.

I am thankful for every single day we've had.

And looking forward to time spent with them in a far away country.

I know there will be big adventures for them and I'm happy and excited for them.

It just feels very quick until next Sunday when they will board a plane to far, far away.

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter E.   To read other E offerings, just click here.
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  1. Oh, I know this is a bittersweet Christmas for you, but yes, it has a promise for everyone. Being apart will sharpen the time you spend together later...when you go across the water which I know you will. I am happy for these girls but sad for you...but it is only a stepping stone for better things, I am sure. These are gorgeous girls by the way, such Irish hair!!!

  2. Hang in there Jenny, it get's a bit easier as time goes by. Wishing you and your lovely family all the best this Christmas season. Merry Ho Ho, Cathy

  3. Jenny, they are gorgeous, and so is their grandmother!

    I am wishing you a Very Merry Christmas filled with all the love your hearts can hold, precious memories, and goodwill. All the good things in life.

    Love you bunches...



  4. Jenny, you have been so blessed to have all this time spent with your Grands. You are right not all Grandparents are able to have that. I am so blessed myself to be close to my little one now. I know the JOY!


  5. Oh I know that bittersweet feel. Thank goodness for now anyway, I have my three children and their families right here near me, and for the most part I am in their lives pretty much 24/7. For now, so add me to that thankful list you have! A very Merry and warm and bright Christmas for you too Jenny!

  6. I've been thinking about you and Steve A LOT lately, Jenny! You know I've been on both ends - the child/grandchild on a plane to far, far away and now a mother watching two of her kids board a plane to far(ish) away. While I know this is/will be exciting for them, I know too how it can rip your heart apart.

    Sending you BIG hugs from New Hampshire.

  7. I know that your heart is hurting, I can't imagine them being that far away! Just plan some trips to visit! Love you dear Jenny! BIG HUGS!

  8. You were really very lucky ! We didn't have this chance. Our grandson grew up 2 1/2 h drive away. We saw him maybe all 6 weeks. Now it's a little better because there is Skype and we can talk to each other (he is 3) but he mostly speaks Dutch and I speak French. But thanks to my German I understand 90 % of what he is saying ! My son only speaks French with him but the whole day and with his mother he speaks Dutch.

  9. oh you are so blessed to have had all of that time ... this must be so heart wrenching for you ... wishing you peace when the time comes to say good bye for now ... and remember , there is always skype.

  10. Oh what a blessing , I feel the same about my grandsons and they are only two years old and seven months old .

  11. They are so blessed to have YOU as grandparents....Lovely family♪

  12. My sister is having the same kind of Christmas this year with her two "grands" moving far away. Hopefully y'all will get to take trips and keep connected with modern technology! Soak in today's happiness!

  13. *tear tear*
    I'm thankful you've had this great history with them too....they'll remember their 'childhood' with you fondly!
    Just think of the adventures you'll all have on foreign soil now!!!
    Hugs to you my friend.

  14. *tear tear*
    I'm thankful you've had this great history with them too....they'll remember their 'childhood' with you fondly!
    Just think of the adventures you'll all have on foreign soil now!!!
    Hugs to you my friend.

  15. Hi Jenny! I don't have any words to say I am sorry to see you sad when the kids start this new journey. But I know you can go visit and have your own journey with the kids. Hang in there because I will send you as many hugs as you need and always be thinking and praying for you and your beautiful phamily. Hugs Anne

  16. What a wonderful picture of the girls! Hope you're hanging in there as they've made their departure.


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Jenny Matlock