Monday, January 27, 2014

Thankful for I and J

I am quite late with this thankful post.

and I'm combining the letters I and J, too.

What I continue to be thankful for this round of Alphabe-Thursday is:

I Just have had an absolute treasure of memory making with our three lovely granddaughters.

I love that they are making their own wonderful Irish memories now...even if it is without me!

We have been fortunate to spend a little more time with our youngest Grandson who is close by and I Just treasure these moments as well.

This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter J.   To read other J offerings, just click here.

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  1. It looks like they are having a wonderful time! How nice to have the little grandson around.

  2. The twins came after Christmas, with their dad, and we made some wonderful memories as well. Things are constantly changing, but the memories are always there, with many more memories to come.


  3. Your grandson is beautiful. The girls are having such a great experience in Ireland. I had to remind myself frequently to be happy for The Hurricane when she left me for other countries.


  4. How wonderful, they do look to be having fun, as do both of you with your youngest little grandson. Life is just so beautiful, and our memories are a treasure stored deep in our heart and soul! Happy times!

  5. Oh they will have stories to tell:) I know you miss them but it is a little easier with the internet keeping you connected, right? I hope so! Cute little grandson putting smiles on your face! Sending you sweet hugs from my heart to yours!

  6. It looks like they are having a blast. I am glad you are gettig to spend time with another grandlittle.

  7. What a wonderful experience they're having. Fortunately, they're old enough to remember you. I think it would be a lot harder if they were like your grandson and too young to remember.

  8. Ah, Jenny, it's so hard to so far from your girls - don't they look like they've settled in and are loving their new home? You must be happy to think of how well they've settled but long for them nevertheless. That little fellow - he's just adorable and it's wonderful that he'll start to build up memories of you two as well.

  9. Don't fret about being late. I have been behind forever. Just when I get a handle on things something always knocks me off my blogging feet. Anywho, anytime you get to spend with those you love is reason to be thankful. I know you miss your grandlittles who now live in Ireland, but I didn't read that you will be visiting them? That sounds so very exciting.

  10. Looks as if they are quite happy there !

  11. I know it's not fun being so far away, but I'm sure you are so happy that they seem to be doing well.

  12. Love the photos! I look forward to experiencing a new kind of love with grandchildren some day as you already do!

    Happy New Year, Jenny, to you and your Family!

  13. Aw, that's so sweet, Jenny. :)

  14. beautiful grandchildren whom you love and who love you are wonderful things for which to be grateful!
    Thanks for sharing the photos!

  15. Your phamily is so precious. Each one of them. Hugs Anne

  16. SO much to be thankful for. Love the photos of you and your peeps. XO

  17. Jenny, this warms my heart to see you with your grand boy and to know that the other grandlittles are doing well. I hope you are doing well, too. I am catching up (going backwards ) with all of your posts. I was out of commission a few weeks back and have been battling a nasty sinus thing, but I am feeling great today and wanted to come check up on you and your doings.




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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock