Monday, June 30, 2014

F is for Fascinating

...and whatever they are looking at...
...has both sets of brown eyes...
firmly fascinated.
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter F.   For other fascinating links, just click here.
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  1. Very cute and fascinating.
    Thanks for coming by.
    I'll see you for letter "G".
    It'll be a little different this week.
    Happy Linky.

  2. I love that wonderful picture, excellent fascination!

  3. lol... thats a cute pic! so what were they looking at grammie?
    hope all is well for you!

  4. This is adorable, Jenny!

  5. That's what I call a perfect F post -- love your cuties, Jenny!


    PS: Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on my blog. I so appreciate them.

  6. Oh, Oh, a dog and a toddler that focused usually equals trouble. Great picture!

  7. I suspect it's a tiny, tiny ant. That's just the cutest picture. Take care Ms. Jenny.

  8. Great shot and a great F!

  9. Thanks for visiting. I'll see you tomorrow.

  10. That is the cutest pic! That's the kind of photo that everyone will comment on for years to come. Even his own kids will laugh about it.


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Jenny Matlock