Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Alphabet-Thursday letter R

Hi friends.    I am back from Ireland but unfortunately have been quite sick from pneumonia .


Don't know how long I will be in the hospital but I wanted to get this ip for you all.

The link will go live at 1 pm as usual.   Just can't figure out how to delay the timing on this post.

I'll be back soon and catch up in visiting your links.

Sorry for the weird layout!


  1. I'm so sorry you are ill, Jenny. I hope it didn't interfere with the visit.


  2. Oh my goodness, Jenny! Take good care of yourself and get tons of rest!

  3. Jenny please get well soon! I can't wait to hear your stories of Ireland! Big Hugs my friend,

  4. Jenny ~ sending you lots of healing hugs ~ do be well soon ~ xoxoxox

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Oh dear Jenny, you can not catch a break! Pneumonia is the worst. Two of our girls had it! No matter your age, you need rest, rest, rest! Please take care. I am going to work on bringing up my post here. Hugs and Prayers for you sweet friend!

  6. Ohh - get well soon.
    Thanks for hosting.

  7. Thank you to have done the effort to write this post despite you are so ill ! Get better asap ! I wish you all the best !

  8. Goodness, do take care. Looking forward to hearing about your trip once you are recovered.

  9. Sorry your vacation ended this way -take care and hope you'll feel better soon:)

  10. I hope you will feel better soon!


  11. I'm so sorry you're ill with pneumonia, Jenny.... hope you have a quick recovery. Thinking of you!

  12. Jenny, I'm sorry you're so sick!!! I hope you're feeling better very soon.

  13. Sorry to hear you are ill and hope you managed to enjoy your trip to Ireland.

  14. What a bum I have been, Miss Jenny! I have laid out of the classroom for months on end this year. I definitely won't get promoted, if I keep this up. Now, I'm glad that you finally got to go to Ireland to see your family. That must have been so exciting, but you're home in the hospital with pneumonia? What a bummer! Get well and take it easy, lady bug. I'll be praying for you! Hugs!!

  15. I am keeping you in my thoughts, Jenny -- get well soon!!!

    Hugs and healing thoughts,

  16. Unbelievable. Pneumonia??? Sheesh.

    Sending prayers and hugs. Get well soon, Jenny.


  17. Jenny, I've missed you... so sorry to read you've been ill. As a previous comment said, hope it did not interfere w/ your wonderful Ireland trip!! Bless you and will pray hard for you ♥ -Tammy

  18. Jenny, I've missed you... so sorry to read you've been ill. As a previous comment said, hope it did not interfere w/ your wonderful Ireland trip!! Bless you and will pray hard for you ♥ -Tammy

  19. Oh Jenny, I am so sorry to hear that you ended up in the hospital. I hope you're doing better now. My prayers are with you! I had to take a blog break and am just reading some of your posts now. Betty

  20. Hoping as I'm very tardy on my comment this week that by now you're out of hospital, poor you. How completely horrible for you.
    With lots of love
    Wren x

  21. I Jenny ~~ I too am so very very late. I read this last week and all week I thought I'd left a comment for you.
    It should have said, "Get Well Quick," but obviously I did not get that posted. So my message today is that I hope you are better and out, but if not, the message I meant to send still applies. :)

    BTW, Mrs. Jim went to the ER Saturday 13th, had a partial hip replacement Monday, to Rehab last Thursday, and she should be coming home this Friday. She fell and it broke.

  22. Not a good way to end your great trip. I'm sorry you went through this and hope you are better now!


Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment! My handy dandy e-mail assistant always notifies me when you do and I read every single one.

I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock