Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Unbelievable Ireland

There are so many Ireland stories I want to share.

One day soon I will bend your ear but for now health issues are in control.

In the meantime, though,  here's a few pictures and a little u-tube video our daughter-in-law made of their time so far in Ireland. Mr. Jenny and I are toward the end. Make sure your sound is on. Love these songs!

It was a time I will never forget.

This little post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's letter U.  For other links to this letter, just click here.

I miss you all!

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  1. O my gosh! They are growing up! What an amazing experience...

    Gorgeous girls!!!

  2. Those red-haired children fit right in in Ireland. They are beautiful, and I miss you.


  3. Such a good looking family! I love the photo of everyone in bed together. It made me smile.

  4. The kids are getting so big, it's hard to believe. I know you miss them but what a great opportunity they have to be living overseas. Loved the pictures and the video.

  5. What beautiful red haired lasses. How fun to visit family and Ireland.

  6. Look at that smile on Ms. Jenny's face:) LOVE to see that you got to visit your family! Can't wait to see ALL of the pictures and hear ALL of the stories! Sending HUGS your way dear friend!

  7. You look so happy! The video was fantastic and boy, does your family know how to have fun.

    Ireland is so beautiful and I really need to go there someday.

  8. Oh Jenny, what a wonderful video!! Your family is lovely and what a gorgeous country they are living in now. So glad you got to visit them! Miss you so much.

  9. Yes, Ireland is wonderful and really unbelievable!

  10. How wonderful! I'm glad to hear the health issues are under control!

  11. Glad you are having fun.
    The kids have changed do much. i be they were glad to see you and
    Mr. Jenny.
    Safe travels my friend.

    M :)

  12. It's great for kids to know their roots! With so many red-haired, the Irish would be hard to miss in your family:) Looking forward to hear more about your trip!

  13. We totally fell in love with Ireland and it sounds like you did too!

  14. The redhaired children reminds me about the book of Eilis Dillon, their I've read in my young time...
    The video I can not see in Germany :-)

    All the best for you and health

  15. What a wonderful family gathering ! Your grandkids have grown !
    Must have been a lovely time, Ireland is so beautiful !

  16. Loved the video! Lovely to see happy, healthy kids having an active life looks a fantastic place to bring up the kids for a while and lovely that you were able to visit.
    Wishing you well!
    Wren x

  17. So glad you enjoyed Ireland. Of course you came to visit our island at a rainy time so hope it didn't put a "dampener" on your activities.

  18. Loved that video! My daughter is planning her honeymoon in Ire,and a year from now....looks like an enchanting place♪

  19. So good to see all these smiling faces! Can't wait to hear all the Ireland stories!

  20. Oh such delightful, loving and happy photos ~ Be well ~ Sending lots of healing hugs to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Loved the video! Ireland is on my bucket list.

  22. Love, Love, Love the video! Your grandkids are so fortunate to have all of these life experiences most of us have just dreamed of!

    And I am SO glad you were able to get over there, and more than happy to hear the health crisis is being held at bay.....

    Hugs, Sandy

  23. Jenny, I am SO happy that you're having such a beautiful, wonderful vacation! It would be a dream come true for me! You'll probably have enough stories to write a book when you get back! :)

  24. Oh Jenny, that got me all teary eyed! So happy for you and what a lovely video that was....hope you are feeling better soon. Miss you too, Cathy

  25. Beautiful kiddos, beautiful pics!! I want to go!! im sitting in a waiting room, but asap i will watch and listen to the video. something tells me im gonna love it! -hugs, tammy

  26. I'm so happy you got to visit! These are wonderful photos and the video is so joyous! (can't hear any music because my new computer doesn't have sound yet. I'll have to come back after I hook up speakers.)

  27. Everyone looks wonderful, including yourself! I always find it ironic when people tell me I look my best when I'm feeling my worst. Kinda crazy.

    You must have loved being with all of them again and in such a lovely spot.

    I'd love a update on your health when you get a chance.

    Sue =)

  28. I'm so glad you were able to get some Ireland pictures up. That video was great. I'd say they've adjusted quite well to life in Ireland and what wonderful experiences they'll have to share for many years to come. I'm not used to seeing kids outside running around. How great is that? I guess it's more of an Irish thing since the kids here seem to stay inside all the time. I could tell you had a great time and I'm so glad you were able to squeeze that trip in. Betty

  29. When you were being 'quiet' I was hoping it was because you were off visiting. SO happy you got to put your arms around those sweeties again.
    Rest up my friend.


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Jenny Matlock