Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Warm Heart Week 4

So many wonderful things happened around my last week.

I feel my eyes are opened more to beauty and peace now.

Kind of like when you're pregnant and you notice every other pregnant woman on the planet.

Kind of like when you're hungry and you notice every other person eating chocolate or...



I digress.

The single moment that warmed my heart the most was walking outside after a snowfall.

It had gotten quite cold and my shoes were doing that squeaky little sound on the snow.

And I just wanted to twirl around and shout.


There may have been some shouting for real.

But definitely no twirling.

Except in my mind.


This post is linked to Warm Heart Wednesday #4 for week beginning December 2.  For other heart warming links, please click here.


  1. Snow? Arizona? And it's 73 here in DC. What is going on?

    Merry Christmas Jenny!

  2. We have warm weather too ! Far away from a white Christmas !

  3. I think that twirling in your mind counts as actual twirling. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    I hope you're doing well Jenny.

  4. As much as I hated all the snow we had when I lived in Chicago, that first crunch always made me happy. It did snow occasionally in Tucson, and it made the desert look like a wonderland. The high here today is expected to be 81. xoxoxoxo!!!

  5. Delightful post that 'warms my heart' despite all the snow New England had last hear ~

    Wishing you the magic and love of the season,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. Glad you had a snow to warm your heart. We've been mired in mud, so I'd be happy for some of that cold weather.

  7. I'd feel the same way. I still remember Christmas Eve 2004 when it snowed in the Houston/Galveston area. Everyone was so giddy. We drove down to Galveston on Christmas morning and there was snow on the beach. I think by noon it was melting away, but what a thrill. Enjoy your snow!

  8. Hi Jenny ~~ I hope you are all warmed up from being out in the snow. We only get snow here about once in ten years. With Climate Change we might not ever get snow again (I live in the Houston area, where Betty lives).
    I'm ready for this week. It is now Week 4, right?

  9. I hope you have a "skippydeedoodahday" Sending HUGS and A Merry Christmas to you!

  10. Twirling in mind is just as good in my book. :-)

  11. The first snow is always magical! I can see you swirling amidst the snow.


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