Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ode to Indygo


Our son has a dog named Indiana,

The grandchildren love him so...

When the dog tries to beg from the table...

Our son says...


This is a true story. Start to finish. Technically, yes, indIgo is not spelled indYgo...

But, hey, at least I get marks for creativity here.

Right? RIGHT?

Oh never mind.

To read less "out there" Indigo links to Rainbow Summer School just click here.

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  1. Our dog is called Indy and we do this ALL the time! So funny.

  2. A+ for smarts here Miss Jenny! Love that picture. But Indy must be well trained. Good Lord, he could walk up and eat from the table if he wanted to! For that matter, he could probably eat the table :) Kat

  3. That is a HUGE dog!! He probably doesn't have to beg, he can reach the food on the plate himself!!

    Cute story! I have nothing in my house or wardrobe in that color! I searched because I needed an easy post today. Nothing!! So I am living through everyone else!

    Have a great day!

  4. I LOVE that breed of dog!

    Happy Day Jenny!


  5. What a beautiful dog and I love the name!!!

  6. Every day should start with a 'groaner'.

  7. You are too hilarious :) Now, I'm going to have to teach E the phrase "Indy! Go!" just for the heck of it!

  8. Very cute and what a large dog. I think he is as tall as the table.
    I am not sure why you can't visit my blog, I haven't changed any settings.
    Hope you can visit soon,

  9. What a cute dog. I have a friend who named his son Indiana and we call the poor kid Indie. His dad has an obsession with Indiana Jones....

  10. Hi good link. I don't think I can link this time as can not get onto my blogger dashboard for some reason .

  11. That picture is just adorable. It shows all over Indiana that he loves those children.

    You are quite clever. Hugs

  12. Yep. Full props for originality!

    And some extra points for humor, too.


  13. Made me smile instantly! Beautiful dog!

  14. Cute dog and BIG too! Love the kids loving the dog! Have a blessed day!

  15. Very clever, Ms Jenny! And how handsome Indy-go is... and how cute the kids!

  16. You get an A+ for creativity, as always!

  17. I WAS wondering about that spelling...thanks for the chuckle this morning.

  18. always a sucker for a play on words! loved it!

  19. So cute!!! And so clever!!!

    (p.s. your stinkin' music track always crashes my browser....arrrgh.)

  20. Love this! You show us that we should not get caught up in a literal interpretation. Word-play is wonderful!

    Is 'Indy' a common dog name? The children were watching Indiana Jone #3. It seems that Harrison Ford's character is named after their dog!

    Best wishes,

    Anna's Indigo

  21. Hahaha!! After a long trip to IKEA to kit out with Uni stuff, it's a relief to arrive home to a laugh! Thank you :D

  22. This is great Jenny. YOU always make me smile!!

  23. This was fun! I love your take on indigo. Everyone seemed to have fun with this color.

  24. That there's a big ole dawg! And he seems to be really gentle. Love the nickname, btw!

  25. Clever Miss Jenny!! Indy Go!! Loving it!

  26. You are amazing, creative and oh my goodness, so clever!


  27. wonderful spin on indigo!!! you get and A+ for thinking outside the box!!!

  28. That is a great picture, Jenny, your cute granddaughters with their big smiles are such a contrast to somber Indy, who looks a littttttle crowded. :)

  29. I think you are getting better at these colorful little poems!

  30. Wonderful picture - beautiful doggy and grandchildren...clever Indy go post...bkm

  31. Fabulous "Cheat" very very cute!And what an awesome dog!! Wow!

    On to the violet challenges.. aaarrrgh

  32. a + there for creativity Jenny. Its funny the things you think of in your life that relate when you are doing a meme isnt it!

  33. Wonderful! :-) and what a great picture!

  34. While I'm a spelling Nazi, I gotta say creativity trumps spelling in this case. That photo alone made up for the cringing I did when I read this.

  35. this makes me laugh so I am all better now.......

  36. I love how yours are never about the color, but a clever play on the word. Awesome! You always make me laugh. Again, so glad I found your blog.

  37. I like it! Great dog!
    Hugs, Lisa


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

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Jenny Matlock