Sunday, October 2, 2011

No Longer in Service - Saturday Centus

Take a deep breath everybody.

This is fiction.

It's not Mr.'s inspired by husband number one...but that was a long, long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away!

I used the phrase multiple times...again...

Each one is in bold.

To read other Saturday Centus offerings for this prompt, just click here.


I’ve shut out all the awful things
you did because I wore your ring.
Don’t call.
The number you have reached
is no longer in service.
I bought the crap you owned my soul
You needed me, I was your girl.
Don’t call,
the number you have reached
is no longer in service
Yeah, yeah, I hear you’ll die without me
Yeah, yeah, it’s me that makes you crazy.
Don’t call.
The number you have reached
is no longer in service.
I’ve disconnected all your lies
My co-dependant ways have died.
Don’t call again, the girl you reached
is no longer in service.

post signature


  1. Sheer brilliance.

    (the message AND the meter)


  2. I can really relate to this Jenny! Actually made me smile, because I know how much I have matured. xo

  3. I know a few young folks that should read this and disconnect the number now!

  4. very well said. I want to send this link to a few woman I know that need to hear that.

  5. Love it, I think I know some people who should use it:-)

  6. Jenny,

    I love this poem! It is strong and lyrical and tells a vivid story, one I have lived myself.


    Glad you are feeling better.

  7. I'm thinking that this would make an awesome song. Not hip enough to suggest the band... any takers on that?

  8. I, too, have one I disconnected from eons ago.

  9. Oh ya, raw truth at it's finest, and you say it's fiction... One of your best moments Jenny:) Woot Woot!!

  10. Oh Jenny! I love what you did with the prompt. Writing releases, don't you think? I could definitely feel the emotion of this piece. You are a funny gal with humorous posts. With that said I must say that I do like it when you are able to switch gears and write a dark piece every once in a while.

  11. Bravo! So glad you dummped his sorry butt. Men ar so full of themselves if they think woman buy that crap. Eventually every woman wakes up and smells the coffee!~Ames

  12. Unfortunately, I had a #1 like that too!

  13. Hmmmm! This sounds soooooo familiar! We survived, though, didn't we, Jenny!!!!

  14. You know how I love the dark side...welcome!

    Isn't it great when our selection skills improve after we decide we deserve better?

  15. Outstanding ! You tell him Jenny and glad you got that off your chest ! Wish a few women I know would just cross their ex's off their lists at last and forever too !!!

  16. You rock, Matlock!

    And this centus says it all, for so many of us.

    You've just written an anthem.


  17. Lovely! Non-Fiction comment by me- having lived that experience myself! Hooray your fiction girl did marvelously.....Jenny this was fantastic...and I can think of a couple of "friends 0f mine" that could use these words for themselves....! Bravo, your prompt this week again, is just simply coolness! I love all the stories it has brought out! Thanks!!!!

  18. disconnected with all your lies,

    love the lie.

    you rock!

  19. Brilliantly written/said/done!!!

  20. Good for her. It sometimes take a long time to realize they are being wronged. Great centus.

  21. powerful! Love it. You really know how to hit home, don't you? I think this is one everyone can relate to.


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Jenny Matlock