Friday, July 26, 2013

What doesn't burn you makes you stronger...


If you're not in a mood for dark, don't read this link to week 170.   Go here to read other offerings and I won't feel bad at all.

This 107 word story is inspired by this picture prompt.

We are joined at the heart…
 High-tensile wire…
 in the fibers of me.
 I cannot separate where you end...
 and I begin.
I watch you...
 almost a stranger now.
Breathing shallowly in your sterile bed…
And I wonder
 if you wonder...
and if you remember
that I remember…
that we were once joined at the heart?
Or have the dirty needles you use to forget
Made you forget
That we were once joined at the heart?
Or does it just not matter at all…
 that you walked again into the flames
While, I.
I broke.
…and broke…
 and fell into a ring of fire…
 Heart first?
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  1. Wow, Jenny. What an amazing and powerful piece of work.

  2. The things Team Netherworld write are pretty much always dark. The Dark don't scare us!
    Our teammate Helena's ex-husband was a drug addict. She will appreciate this piece.

  3. My sweet friend, I am with you on this one!! We'll talk as soon as all my company is gone.

    Love you!!

  4. Addiction is dark. You've captured the feelings so well. You are a true wordsmith.

  5. I really loved this, Jenny.

  6. Powerful piece, Jenny. And so painful.


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Jenny Matlock