Monday, April 12, 2010

The following takes place...

Between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM

"Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity." ~John Ruskin

And for you 24 fans...of course Jack Bauer can quote poetry. Geez.


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  1. Beautiful.

    I can't wait for things to start bloomin' up here!

  2. Sigh is right. My place is still covered with snow and I am so ready for the wildflowers and green stuff.. Thanks for sharing yours, it made my day.

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Jenny!!

    And yes, Jack can quote poetry. Jack can do ANYTHING! He's Jack!

  4. So beautiful! Flowers, blue sky and Jack Bauer! Sigh.....

  5. Sooo beautiful! Isn't that guy in jail or something? Every time I turn around he's in trouble, naughty thing.

  6. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! Breathtaking, Jenny. Any plans for the gourds? Didn't you grow them last year too?

  7. The best time of the day...makes the rest of the day so good! Have a good one :D

  8. Isn't early morning lovely! Can't wait for more blooms here! Lovely pics.


  9. Your garden is so beautiful Jenny! We are just beginning to see the tress bloom and we have to wait until June for roses. Yesterday my husband and I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden to see if the cherry trees were blooming ... about half of them were and i took so many photos of them (future blog

    PS:To answer your comment question on my blog --
    My hubby and I have volunteering for about 8 years on a Civil War Veteran project at Green-Wood and after identifying the veterans through records we have been ordered gravestones from the VA administration -- almost 3,000 new gravestones have been installed! In the process of doing that the cemetery historian realized that the almost 200 year old cemetery records were deteriorating and to save them we are now in the process of removing the records from envelopes and unfolding them and placing them in archival acid free folders, The next step will be to scan the records on computer discs. We are working with an archivist from Brooklyn College to do this work. Out of 600,000 records we've completed about 35,000 so far! It's fascinating work.

  10. Oh, I love me a walk early in the morning to view beautiful flowers! Wonderful garden, dear Jenny! Hugs!

  11. Hi Jenny,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland. I can see already you are my kinda girl, cause I am the queen of flowers and beauty too!!lol
    They truly are a solace to the human spirit, and in this world that is sometimes so full of pain, we need all those beauty reminders from the Lord, saying I am here!!
    Thanks for joining my blog, that was a sweet surprise for the day.
    You have a wonderful day hon,
    Blessings Galore,

  12. What a cool idea for a post! Gorgeous pics!

  13. You are surrounded by beauty. That is just the perfect way to start your day.

  14. Stunning...absolutely stunning!! Just like you!!! Wish we were neighbors!

  15. Remind me to wake up a little bit earlier so my mind is clear between 7-8...gorgeous!

    Total Jack Bauer fan!

  16. Couldn't help noticing the mailbox! Do you have a walking mailman? Beautiful pictures!

  17. Hi Jenny, I so enjoyed the tour. Love all the green, Spring is great, isn't it?! Such lovely blue skies!
    Your blog is very cheerful!

    Have a happy day. xo

  18. Yes I am a 24 fan and I think you would make Jack proud with all your lovely flowers. That is a "nice light' time to take photos. I also like to snap pics around 6 to 8 p.m. but wait, I would have to DVR 24!

  19. Very pretty! It looks like the kids had lots of fun playing with the bubbles, and Oskar too! I think it would be fabulous if you could teach him to sing. My niece and nephew were just watching videos on YouTube of singing dogs and dogs that say I love you, it was so much FUN to watch!

  20. Oh how I wish for a real cure for allergies! Beautiful pictures!

  21. So pretty...
    is it that green there already
    and that many flowers...sigh
    it would be late Aug. Before it looks like that here
    are those gourds growing there or are they ornamental
    birdhouses maybe?

  22. Your garden is so lovely! Your roses are so pretty they are making me nauseous. I wish mine looked that nice! 'Course they need to bloom first, but we're still waiting for that perfect weather to reach TN. :)

  23. I enjoyed looking at all your lovely flower garden pictures.
    You're not from Minnesota--are you!
    We barely have anything coming out of the ground yet. Oh well, one of these days...

  24. I hope all those photos are of your yard......they are stunning!



  25. LOL... my husband is a huge 24 fan... me, not so much. How many times can Jack Bauer DIE??? I like the guy, don't get me wrong, but it got to ridiculous numbers, people. And I am so tired of the angst-ridden faces of Chloe and Agent whatever her name is. The redhead that's going nuts.

    Sorry, I know you adore them. As does the Man.

  26. The roses are just beautiful! I hope mine bloom before the darn deer eat them! Then I will eat the deer! :)

  27. I can imagine it all now! Did a double take, though, on those roses. Wow. and....

    who's Jack Bauer? sigh.

  28. Did you stop and smell the roses on your early morning walk to the mailbox, Jenny. the flowers you passed on the way were beautiful!

  29. Look at your beautiful roses. I can smell them, too.

  30. Love it! Lots going on everywhere!

  31. Thanks for the tour! It's a privilege to tag a long with you, my friend.

  32. Beautiful. Sunshine and flowers and everything seems right with the world.

  33. Beautiful pictures...makes me jealous we're in the middle of autumn here.

    Maybe I should arrange a trip to a warmer place?

  34. Hi Jenny,

    Love your beautiful photos and all your pretty flowers.
    It is great to see what you are up to in your day.

    Have a great week

  35. Your garden is gorgeous!! A lovely way to start the day:)

  36. I'm seriously green with envy. Holy Carp and Flounder, Matlock!!! You are magic in a blog AND in a garden!!!

    Are those gourds I spy? The kind of gourds that dry and can be painted or wood burned? Don't you just want to paint one for me? Don't you? Just one? Maybe? Pretty please? With something gluten-free on top?

  37. Loverly photos!

    But if you're *doing a 24,* where is the murder and mayhem?<--No, I didn't really write that!!! Eeeeek!!!


  38. No need for words; your photos speak for themselves; just beautiful!

  39. Oh those pictures are beautiful! We are still in the "watering" stage here - waiting for the lovely blooms!

    Just fantastic to experience it vicariously through your photos!

  40. The flowers are beautiful, although I think this would make 24 lose some viewers who might have been expecting a little more action!

    But I'll stick around - it's too pretty not to. :)

  41. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day! Talk about a gorgeous blog..hello!


  42. What I'd like to know is how do you find the time to garden and blog as much as you do? You must have far more energy than me! Your yard is lovely! Love Di ♥

  43. OMG I burst right out laughing and could actually 'hear' the voice that says: THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN THE HOUR...."

    Yes, a 24 fan. No so much this year, but years past. Oh My.

    However, your posts are nourishment for a weary 'day at the desk' spirit.

    xox Rella

  44. Gorgeous!!! The snow has finally melted back, and I can see my wildflowers. Flat and brown, but soon there will be tiny green leaves! :)
    Enjoy this beauty-filled day!


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Jenny Matlock