Sunday, April 11, 2010

A natural segue of thoughts...from bubbles to Alphabe-Thursday book winner...

Good morning! I've had three cups of afraid.

Be very afraid.

On Friday before Easter our son stopped over with our Grands. And we had a Grand time!

One of the things that had us laughing super hard was my efforts to teach our weiner dog, Oskar, to sing. It's coming along. And if I get brave I'll figure out how to make a video of is actually totally hilarious. And Oskar continued to make us laugh when the girls played with bubbles in the front yard. He raced around the yard knocking everyone over and trying to bite the bubbles. It was also totally hilarious.

... and speaking of bubbles...remember how I was telling you about the chalk and crayon stuff at the preschool and how I disparaged the person "teaching" playdough? Well...just to make up for my playdough bashing I thought I'd share the Kool Aid playdough recipe we make up for the preschool.

Kool Aid Playdough

Mix together 2 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, two packages of unsweetened koolaid (use the same color)

Quickly add: 3 tablespoons vegetable oil AND 2 cups boiling water.

Stir together quickly and thoroughly and knead until no longer sticky. Smells yummy and makes great colors.

This doesn't shred apart as much as regular playdough and it smells wayyyy better. For those of you that don't like playdough you might find yourself more fond of it if you try this.

And speaking of finding...

See? Did I tell you this was a great natural segue of thoughts post or what?

I'm not sure why I thought I had to wait until Sunday night to find a winner from this weeks Alphabe-Thursday giveaway for an autographed copy of Julie Schulers spellbinding book... The copy I ordered of this book came on Friday ...ummm....Julie...cover your eyes for a second here(she gets annoyed with me for getting so excited about her talent) ... the illustrations in this book are beyond amazing. Mr.Jenny and I kept turning the pages...astounded.

If you didn't win this book you might consider ordering it by clicking here to go to Julie's Blurb ordering page. This is not a book for children but it is something you really should think about adding to your collection. I messed up and had my copy sent here, which means I had to turn around and mail it to Julie so she can autograph it which is going to be important because this girl is going to be famous. OK, Julie, you can uncover your eyes now.

And speaking of uncovering...

Yea. The master of the segue...

I asked Mr. Random Org to help me uncover the winner for the book...

There were 70 linked posts for the Letter "L".

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1
Max: 70
Result: 14

And link 14 is Jo with Lots and Lots of Words! If you didn't get a chance to visit Jo's Alphabe-Thursday post please be sure to visit her now by just clicking here!

Jo, Congratulations! Please e-mail your address to: jennymatlock at cox dot net as soon as you can. I'm happy you don't have to buy this wonderful book.

And speaking of buy...

Bye for now.

post signature


  1. Congrats to Jo, now let me go check on ordering my own copy of this fab book!

  2. So glad you clarified the need to use 2 pkgs of the same color of kool-aid. I was going to go crazy with this and use blue and green. Hmmm. I still may. Love teal.

    Congrats to Jo and everyone who took the challenge.

  3. Lucky Jo!
    Love the bubbles, love Oscar - he's a star!

  4. I would love to try a homemade playdough recipe. My mom keeps loading us up with the store bought stuff, though. I think we have a year's supply.

    yeah, I guess I could work on taking compliments more graciously. Congrats to the winner! Hope you will like it, Jo!

  5. I love the smell of play dough and I love the smell of KoolAid, so this recipe is a winner for me. Next time the grandkids are over it's play dough all around. Wait, I remember play dough. Next time I GO TO MY GRANDKIDS house, it's play dough all around. Love the wiener dog playing with bubbles.

  6. cute pictures! looks like a lot of fun. :D

  7. Congratulations to the lucky winner, Jo! Looks like a great book. Now that puppy, along with the bubbles and Grandkids... Precious! Sweet pictures! Hugs to you Jenny from your Georgia friend!!!!!

  8. I've made homemade play dough plenty of times but never with kool-aid. I just love new recipes and I can't wait to try this one!

  9. Jenny,
    These photos are pricelss....and I am getting one fo these dogs one day!!!! I want a small one, but I have loved these since I was a kid!
    I am beginning to freak out about this much to still do to just get ready in the room! I know breathe.....phew!

  10. I don't have any play dough at my I think I will make yours!! Thank you. Love the pictures of your Grands and dog!! Kids sure do love the bubbles!!

  11. Cute grands and looks like they have fun at your house! Love the play dough recipe..thanks , we will use it here! Cute book too...come say hi :D

  12. Thanks for the recipe, it sounds wonderful. Looks like it was a fun time with the kids. Bubbles, don't we all love bubbles? I know the dogs do!

  13. love the singing dog..

    congrats to the winner..
    Yeah Jo...

  14. Hi Jenny! I find it so interesting that dogs love to chase those bubbles and then bite at them! Our dog does that, too! You are so is hilarious!

  15. Congrats to the winner, I'm going to check out Julie's book.

    Your grands are adorable, love the photos of them and Oskar with the bubbles.

  16. You have a weiner dog - I LOVE THEM. They are the cutest things ever invented. I have a calendar of them and I can't wait for each month to change. And the grandkids are adorable too. Love that hair.

  17. Sorry, but I can't "see anything" but that RED HAIR! We have a redheaded Grand daughter too. Dark red on her though. Mmmmmmm, red hair rocks!!!


  18. Puppy is so cute and so are the babies...Thanks for this playdough recipe, I will try it as there is a great passion for playdough in this house!

    Smiles and happy Sunday to you!

  19. What is is about bubbles and little dogs, they think it is so much fun to chase them!
    That is the playdough I use in my classroom, it has a great aroma and you don't have to use that expensive cream of tarter.

    isn't Julie's book fantastic! She is truly an artist!

  20. Loved that Kool-Aid playdough! Yum! Oh, I guess I shouldn't really have eaten so much of it!

    Did you get to take a nap after the caffeine letdown?

  21. Congratulations, Jo!

    Do we need someone to come by and hide your coffee cup? LOL I am laughing, 'cause I am just as bad.

    Oskar is cute, but the ones blowing the bubbles are cuter!


  22. Yea, for Jo! I thought her L post was super. Lollygag - a terrific word!
    Cute, cute photos of the grands. Have to say, the red hair is stunning. I'm in awe of red heads, and I recently saw a special about how the gene is disappearing. How very sad would that be?

  23. I miss L this week. I just didn't have an L post in me I guess. We'll see about M this week.

    Have a good week Jenny!


  24. So ... no pressure (really) ... but I was given one of those blog award thingies that kind of obligate you to pass them on (almost like a chain letter without the threat of imminent disaster ... I NEVER pass those on ... may be why my life is so screwed up!) and yours was one of the blogs on which I chose to bestow this blessing! Only coz I love you (truly, deeply, madly, HONEST!)!

    Check it out here:

    Hope you're still talking to me tomorrow! :)

    P.S. - I did read your comment message and debated not leaving you this message but I decided that it never hurts to know you are thought of and appreciated ... even if it does come with an "award" attached! :)

  25. Congratulations Jo! Lucky girl. I was just hoping to check out everyone that stopped by my Alphabe-Thursday link this week. The most comments I have ever had on a post. Jenny you sure got everyone moving this week! I hope I caught up with everyone I sure did try. You must have some tired eyes Jenny.

  26. Jenny, you are all over the place...but the funny thing is, I have no trouble keeping up.
    Love the photos of the kids and Oskar. So sweet.
    My dogs never liked bubbles until we stumbled upon flavored bubbles.
    Now they love is so funny to watch them try to catch the bubbles with their fat boxer lips.
    BTW: my girls both 14 and 16 still love bubbles too. But they dont catch them in their mouths. anymore.

  27. I want to make that play dough PRONTO! You're right! Thats on the agenda this week!

  28. Thank you for the recipe for the play dough. I hate playdough. Actually I have tried to blacklist people from birthday parties that gift it to my children. It's so nasty smelling! I may have to give this a try.

  29. a singing dog
    blowing bubbles (with our kiddos)
    and play dough
    what else could we ask for?

    Love the red hair
    my hubby has red hair
    but none of my kids or grands
    until my daughter got married this Dec.
    and now I have 2 more Grands and they both have red hair (o:

  30. I didn't realize Julie was an author! How cool! We've been reading each other recently. That's neat!

    your dog cracks me up! if that were my maggie, she'd just sneak around and drink everyone's bubbles instead! lol

  31. There is nothing like a singing dog to make me laugh! My first singing dog was also a weiner dog, named Miles...because he was miles long.

    I've never been much for playdoh, but I'm big on the bubbles circuit.

    It looks like so much fun.

    I may have to borrow your Grands.....


  32. I'n copying down the playdough recipe Jenny, as I hope it will come in handy if my grandson visits us someday when he's older.

    I looked at Julie's book on the Blurb page and it does look fascinating! Congrats to Jo for winning it!

    ♥ Pat


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

I know a lot of other bloggers who respond to comments via e-mail so if you haven't left off your e-mail on purpose, you might want to add it on! If you don't know how you can let me know in your comment and I'll see if I can help you!

Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock