Friday, June 4, 2010

Do not be fooled by these cute faces...

Sure, they look little and sweet.

Sure they look all cuddly and happy.

But here's what you don't know about them.

They eat like truck drivers. And they eat all the time. And they are always starving.

They talk all the time. And sometimes all at once. And sometimes they don't even care if you're in the actual room with them. They just talk anyway.

They have wayyyy too much energy. They are like the energizer bunnies times a zillion. And they don't take naps anymore.

The reason I tell you this is because school is out. And I am Grandma daycare three days a week.

And I am afraid.

Very afraid.

Sure I hired a Grandma's helper to hopefully save part of my sanity over the summer. Sure I have all kinds of crafts planned. Sure I enrolled them in piano lessons and basketball tutoring and even summer preschool for that little one.

But the bottom line is...

I am old.

Very, very old.

And they are young.

Very, very young.

And I suspect my daughter-in-law would frown on my dosing them with Benadryl.


Did I say that out loud?

I did?


It was the fear talking.

And sadly my delete key is broken on my computer so I must let that very bad, and obviously totally untrue, remark stand.

So don't get all radical on me here and call CPS or something. I was only kidding. And people probably don't even use benadryl any more do they? I mean...that was a back-in-the-day solution from when my kids were small to make them take naps. Not that I ever did it. Or would. But I heard some other Mom's did. But not me.

So today is Friday.

Today is the day.

If you see smoke signals coming your way from Arizona, please come rescue me.

And bring some Benadryl along.

I might be able to make it into a margarita. For me.


post signature


  1. "They talk all the time. And sometimes all at once. And sometimes they don't even care if you're in the actual room with them. They just talk anyway.

    They have wayyyy too much energy. They are like the energizer bunnies times a zillion. And they don't take naps anymore."

    My girls would fit right in!! I'll send them over!!

  2. Oh my, sounds like you are going to have your hands full! I did this for many years for my niece and nephew who are now 27 and 28 years old! They are the light of my life...

  3. I didn't realize you had any sanity left to be saved. Wow. The revelations just keep on comin'.

  4. Cheryl your funny....I bet you are in for a wonderful summer...and we are in for some really great posts...

  5. Hi Jenny - thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes there are pink columbines. I get alot of my flowers from Walmart! they are cheap and always do well. I have been to your blog many times!!! good luck with babysitting!

  6. So cute. I know you will enjoy them energy, talking and all.

  7. Oh!come, come Jenny, you know you're going to love it and summer will be over before you know it.
    Good Luck from a non Granny!!

  8. Any idea how long it took me to regain my composure after reading "they eat like truck drivers"? Quite a while! : )

    This kind of makes me wonder how many margaritas my grandmother had after I went home...

    Have fun!!! (I know you will.)

  9. Oh you'll make it ok. I just have to say this though, you would not see me volunteering for the job! My middle daughter has 4 grandsons 3 are 5yrs and under. We take them for the weekend and both hubs and I are worn out. I usually have grandkids one weekend a month, sometimes two. All summer you say, maybe you should take out stock in benadryl.

  10. Jenny, I thought you were talking about my Grandkids! They come straight into the house and open the pantry, seriously... they are always hungry and not just hungry, starving! They all talk at the same time and LOUD just in case you might miss what ONE of them says or jabbers:) Love 'em and can't live without 'em but I am old too! I will come with margaritas in hand and rescue you, hehe!

    Enjoy your day, dear Jenny! HUGS!

  11. Jenny, I swear you never fail to put a smile on my face in the morning. I'm totally stealing that "eat like a truck driver" phrase and sticking it all over my 21 month old!

  12. I feel your pain. I have 3 that plan to spend time with G'ma this summer. Luckily, they prefer to come one at a time. When I have all 3, it's really hard work. Have fun! Jan

  13. It sounds like a lot of us "know" these kids and a few have some of our own. Years ago when I wrote a weekly newspaper column I got the most response ever to a column I wrote about my fear of my kids being out of school for the summer. The "little and sweet" and "cuddly and happy" will be their saving grace and yours.

  14. Hey, you never know... your daughter in law might dose them with benadryl to keep up with them too ;)

  15. I tried to use Benadryl on one of my cats once for travelling, and he turned into a frothing maniac! Don't do it!! I fear for your safety... and the froth is just such a pain in the buns to clean.

    Good luck!! :)

  16. Contrary to yours truly's initial opinion about my g'ma status, maybe there ARE some benefits to being the "far-away grandma"...


  17. Just don't over-do it sweet chick!! :o) I say, put 'em to work! Let them help you in the garden, doing dishes etc. They're old enough! :o) Cute, cute picture, BTW. I suspect those gorgeous flowers came from your garden?

    Have a great weekend & I'll see you at the Patch.

  18. Better you than me Jenny!

    And you can even use benadryl for your dog. :-)
    Not that I would ever do that....


  19. Grandma Daycare sounds like a surefire weight loss plan - you'll be honed to a bone by the end of the summer!.......lucky you - I know you'll enjoy every minute of it and make some beautiful memories for those sweeties.

  20. Oh my! Sounds like my daughter would fit right in. Today's our last day of school, so I am trying to plan busy days so that the kiddo don't go stir-crazy too soon. Good luck!

    BTW, although I've never done anything of that sort, I had lots of people tell me to give the kids Benadryl for a nap. I even had one parent tell me to "just put a bit of brandy on the bottle nipple" when my daughter was little and I was only 20!

  21. Jenny....this post made me laugh so much! Enjoy your beautiful Grandchildren.

  22. I hear that cough medicine works too. :)
    My girls eat all the time as seems they are stocking up for hibernation.
    But then they hibernate.

  23. But they love their Gwamma. That's enough to keep ya going.

    Can totally picture it, bikes and all!

    Hope your Gwamma helper is great help!

  24. LOL! They are sooooo cute!

    Good Luck Grandma Jenny! :)

  25. Thanks for the tip on the SRP park at town lake. I'm adding it to my to do list this summer.
    Have you thought of getting them journals to document summer? I'm doing it with my three littles, and they like it. Hyrum will draw and the others tell about the day before. It uses up time, drug-free!

  26. Is it a "Law"?

    That all little redheaded Grands HAVE to be *Energizer Bunnies*?

    We had one, and she was.... The *Energizer Bunny*!

    Thankfully, she's no longer tearing through life. Wheeeeeeeew... But she can still eat whatever she wants. And she'll soon be off to 6 weeks Study Program in Japan. So, I guess, she still has some *Energizer Bunny* in her. :-)

    Courage, Grandma!

  27. Just wish a had one or two to see what Grandma insanity is like!

  28. yep, they still use benadryl.

    good luck with those girls, grannie. :]

  29. HAHAHAHAHA! ohh jenny!

    Seriously! I have missed you! Sorry I've been MIA.. I've kind of sucked at all these blog lately..

    but i'm back, and if you need me... i'm on my way.. with the benedryl! :)

  30. Oh Jenny, you crack me up! Your granddaughters are darling! Don't you wish we could bottle up their energy?? Just to have a bit of theirs, the thought of what we could accomplish, oh my!

    Thanks for sharing and I'll send the patient and calming fairy your way!



  31. Hey Jenny,

    Ever heard of Scotch???? jk

    Hey check your email, I sent you something a few day's ago.


  32. Poor Jenny! You will survive and I'll send margarita mix your way!

  33. I am so with you on this one, Jenny. I love my little grandkids to death and I love it when they visit and I love it when they go home. I sit for about two hours and stare out the window and kind of drool and sigh a lot. A lot...

    They just wear me out!

  34. heh, been playing with your music playlist...but to the point....Enjoy these times while you can before they hit the sulky, I want nothing to do with you, pre-teen and teenage years

    What I wouldn't give for the bouncey of course we love you and want to spend time with you times *sigh*

  35. good luck with them :D

    you will survive (and miss them in september) :D

  36. I'm sending you a coffee in the mail.. your going to need it :-) Could they be any cuter? Don't think its possible! Funny drugging the kids story. I got sick in college.. I decided to take some nyquil so I could get some sleep. My friend was like ooohhh it smells like Christmas. I was like huh?? She couldn't figure out why nyquil smelled like Christmas... but in all of her memories Christmas it smelled just like this. Well after calling and talking to her mother.. she found out that every Christmas Eve her parents would give her and her siblings nyquil to knock them out for the night! LOL So if you get real desperate you know what to try ;-)

  37. Great post! They are adorable and although there are three of them I imagine that is also a blessing as hopefully they entertain one another.

    I am old too, with just one child but she is my daughter not granddaughter and still thinks my sole purpose in being on this earth is to be her play mate.

    Have a wonderful summer with those beautiful girls.

  38. Oh they are all adorable!!! And you are going to have such a marvelous summer!!
    Jenny, we know you are only joking about the meds, but sadly there are too many people in this world who still do that sort of thing. It is truly awful. I wish all children had parents (and grandparents) who would love them as much as you do yours. (and I do mine.)

  39. Hehe! Funny as always! Thanks for the laugh! Your granddaughters are absolutely adorable! You're a very kind grandma to take them for 3 days a week. Your son and daughter-in-law owe you big time!

  40. Ahh, hang in there. I am sure they will remember their summer spent at your place as some of the best times in their lives--as I do in time spent with my grandparents.

  41. Okay, Lyndsay's nyquil story has me in stitches! And when my brother goes camping he always gives his kids benadryl to help them sleep in the tent. Good luck. Lots and lots of good luck, and aren't you the lucky one? They are going to be loving you to pieces! Will there be any of you left to entertain us? I suspect you will have gazillions of stories courtesy of them. Can't wait. And good luck.

  42. My theory is, one margarita per child. For you, not the kids! Good luck, you're gonna need it!

  43. I have learned that teaching kids to cook is a good thing. It takes time to make the snack, eat the snack, and clean up after the snack. That requires energy, which gets burned making the snack, eating the snack and cleaning up after the snack. It might even equal up to a nap!!

  44. Too, too funny! I know how you feel! My grandkids can wear me down to a nub! They do make me realize how old I am! But having said all that, I would give ANYTHING to get to see them three days a week. They live 10 hours away! Sigh. I think Benadryl is a very healthy option...better than the vodka laced Kool-Aid I was going to suggest.

  45. Bringing the Benadry and Margaritas! I know exactly how you feel, Grandma. I had to babysit all four of mine the other day and they are ages 1,2,3 and 4. Wow! I was afraid too....hahaha. I went to the bathroom and took the 1 year old and 2 year old, mistakenly thinking that the 3 and 4 year olds would be OK for 2 minutes. When I came out, the 4 year old had gone down the hill to visit the neighbor and his DOGS....that I don't know. This was at a vacation home so, literally, I don't know the dogs. I was a maniac. I needed Benadryl and Margaritas but I am sure that would have been wrong, since I was in charge. I will pray for a smooth summer.

  46. LOL...when I see posts like this, I think of my grandma...she would have never offered to do this! You are a great fun grandma! Don't get me wrong, but I was ADD +++++ as a kid......and my grandma was really old! LOL I think you will be fine....And for me, it was Dimetapp....:) sshhhh

  47. Oh, they look so adorable! But I can definitely attest to how terrifying little kids can be. Good luck! :)

  48. How lucky you are to be terrorized by such cuties!

    Now when I read the next installment of your story I will be picturing these lovely girls! :)

  49. You are so very very funny!!!=) Your grandkids are so cute, and so lucky to have an awesome grandmother. Wish you luck! Tati

  50. Fun to read. I'm trying to picture you outside making a fire drinking a margarita praying someone will see the smoke and come to the rescue.

  51. well, i envy you ... despite the fact that you will be exhausted at the end of each day, you will have fun ... and create memories and make a mess of the house ... and yard ... but it will be fun and you will build very special bonds. i'm green!

  52. I am sure you will sleep well and have a lot of fun stuff to blog about. I feel the cuter they are the more mischief they make, And they are definately cute! :)

  53. Ummmmmmm...I think these girls got your genes. You're no slouch in the energiser bunny stakes yourself Jenny!

    Good Luck. They're small and full of wonder for such a short time and I know you're going to love being Grandma Daycare over the Summer.

  54. You are SO NOT OLD ENOUGH to be their grandmother!! Quit fibbing!

  55. OMG!!! You are so funny! I don't think you'll need the drugs...they will wear you out! Dwen enjoyed the 'eats like truckers' part! I have one of those...he is 19....he eats EVERYTHING...even things that has been in the frig waaayyy toooo long! Yuck!

  56. 3 days a week! You get the awesome grandma award for sure. Would you like 3 more, they are teens, so given more to sullen silence and such - whadaya say?

  57. So you know about the Benadryl, huh?

    Actually, I use it for myself...forget the kids! :)

    BTW, they are adorable!

  58. Holy Hilarious! I am so behind on my reading this week (last week of school first swim meet tomorrow) but a little birdie told me to get out here and read this so I stalled my bagel slicing, blueberry washing, sunscreen packing mission to do just that and now I am rolling in laughter! I am a titch younger and I only have 2 and they are mine but holy cow, if there is a single mother or grandparent out their that can't relate to this I want to meet them!

    Thanks Jenny! Can't wait to catch up on everything else!!!

  59. They will keep you young Jenny!

    Last year was my last of 21 years of being the official babysitter of 5 of my 9 grandchildren. The oldest of the 5 I watched is now 23and the youngest is now 12.

    Looking back...they were wonderful years!

  60. I love this post! Having 2 girls of my own I hear ya about the talking and eating! What a great summer you will have, and hey maybe ear plugs for you??? just kidding!

  61. For a minute there I thought you were talking about my 3 girls (that talking all the time, whether you are in the room with them or not thing)!

    Sleepytime tea ... yes, much better than Benadryl.
    Mountain Rose Herbs has a variety called Quiet Child, and if it works, I'll be buying it by the pound!

    Catherine :)

  62. Wow! You do have guts, don't you?? I'd be soooo tired after the first week!! Take naps whenever you can!!

  63. Haha! Too funny!! I was totally fooled by their cuteness. :-)

    I think a few marathon silent game competitions sound good. :-)

  64. Sounds like you are going to have a fun busy summer.
    They are so cute.
    You will have fun.
    They will have fun.
    And the days will pass quickly!

    Enjoy !


  65. I feel your pain. I have trouble keeping up with one 3 year old little boy. All I have to say is be thankful they aren't boys. Boys can be less dramatic, but oh, the roughness and toughness of their playtime!

    I wish you much luck, I am sure somewhere in there you will have lots of fun and giggles too!

  66. just send that grandmas helper over here.....I now have four FULL time and two are one year olds.....oh you dont know noise and you dont know diapers full of poop till you have been here........I am trying to feel sorry for you but I suspect you will love every wretched second......

  67. You crack me up! But I can empathize... I am Mommy Day Care 24x7. But Narelle eats and drinks rather erratically, and I can't understand most of what she says... have a blessed weekend!

  68. Ah kids...will you take mine is only a short drive?! Girls do talk a lot...I have noticed (boys are so much quieter!).

    Have fun...I won;t send makes my kids hyper!

  69. Let us all bow our heads and pray for Matlock...

    and, um, dose your kid with benadryl back in the day? Why, uh, I would never ever have done that. (cough!)

  70. You crack me up Jenny. The talking thing - I hear that loud and clear. Especially the part about talking even if no one is in the room! DH says the women in my family were all vaccinated with phonograph needles lol. Good luck, have fun and don't forget that sometime benedryl can have the opposite effect of making them bounce off the walls. Not speaking from personal experience of course, just something I've heard :)

  71. What a good grandma! You'll get so used to it, you won't be able to stand the quiet when they're not there.... maybe.


    two awards on the bottom 4 u,
    I will try to follow up wit your posts...
    I host Poets Rally, busy..but will keep up with you.
    I value your encouragement on my T post.

  73. lol..i feel your pain. my teenager is bored two hours after school let's out for summer. but that boredom ends when i present her a work list.

  74. You are going to have a wonderful time with the girls this summer!!

  75. Oh Jenny, how on earth did I miss this post! I thought I carefully poured over all the blogs I follow! Hahaha. This is too funny. I laugh because you have just described my children. Exactly. Except I have one boy and two girls. And that boy has eaten like a truck driver since day one! I will send the Benadryl when I am done using it on my kids...I mean for me. ;)

  76. Between family gatherings and Blogger not working, I'm behind...again. Every time I take a few steps forward, something happens and I take more steps back around here.

    3 days a week?? Are you nuts? My grands are boys...1 and 3. We have them for the weekend and I need a week to recover.

  77. Be brave Jenny, be brave!!!
    You can take them...well, maybe one of them, but anyway, just remember you are taller and can scare them too, LOL!


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Jenny Matlock