Friday, July 23, 2010

Somewhere over the Rainbow

Jenny Matlock
This 100 word story is linked to Week 11 of Saturday Centus . The prompt is in bold.

The arched banner shone vividly in front of the bleachers. Some of the hand-painted stripes had smeared together…a testimony to hurried zeal perhaps.

My heart pounded with the beat of my measured steps.

Surrounded by fellow marchers I felt united in the solidarity of changing times and definitions.

I had not seen him since I told him of my life choice.

Though his bitter denunciation stilled burned like acid in my heart and brain, I had still sent him a hopeful e-mail, yearning painfully for his blessing and support.

“Dad, please wait for me somewhere over the rainbow in the stands. I miss you.”

To read other great entries to this meme, just click here.

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  1. This was great, Jenny. I liked it a lot.

  2. Poignant...well done Jenny ;-) Peace and blessings

  3. A father's blessing can be elusive.

  4. Good grief, I'm a dork. When I read the lines "measured steps" and "fellow marchers" I thought Oh goodie, Jenny is writing about a marching band. This was so much better than that! You did a beautiful job capturing the yearning for approval and understanding that everyone wants from their parents. Wonderfully written! Kat

  5. This was beautiful! I am still feeling the longing in the last sentence. Beautiful. I finally linked up tonight and now I am off to read everyones! I don't let myself read ANY until I post this will be fun! I really liked this prompt. But you already know that huh!!!

  6. This is so wonderful Jenny.
    I have a feeling, there is nothing you can do or write to NOT make me like you.

  7. Wow. Such deep meaning behind such few words. Amazing work, my friend.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Really nice!
    written wiwh lots of feeling and pain...

  10. This pulls at the reader's heart just as much as the song's lyrics!

  11. regardless of life choices or circumstances we do always yearn for parental acceptance.


    two awards for you to share with your blogging friends.
    Happy Saturday!

  13. Jenny,
    Our need for the approval and the availability of our fathers never ends. Your words are artful and very evocative.


  14. That was my thoughts as I first read this prompt last week...wondered if someone would 'go there'.
    Great one Jenny :)


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I try to respond to comments with a return e-mail BUT I just noticed that I've been answering a lot of them to blogs that haven't linked their e-mail address to their Google account! I haven't been ignoring your comments, but now I know you aren't getting my reply e-mails! I'm sorry!

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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock