Before all the Grands arrived for their rip-roaring day of fun at Grandma daycare, Mr. Jenny summoned me to his office by saying, "I need to talk to you before the girls get here."
"I didn't buy anything," I told him promptly after sitting in one of his office interrogation chairs.
"No, I know, I wanted to talk to you about..." he said.
"I recorded those two checks I .... ummm... took a few days ago!" I further clarified.
"Yes, I know, I wanted to talk to you about..." he tried again.
"I don't know anything about the insurance yet and..." I continued.
"Jenny! I need to talk to you before the girls get here. Could you let me talk please?"
I sulked. Just a bit. Geez, he didn't have to be so mean.
"OK," I said in a slightly petulant voice, "What is so important?"
He sighed.
Sometimes he does that around me.
I think it is probably because he is so overwhelmed by my presence and beauty that he can't get quite enough air into his lungs.
Yea, in fact I'm sure that's it.
Then he said, "Did you remember I'm having a business meeting here this morning?"
And I said, "Ummm.... sure I remember. Ummm... you told me about that ... ummm..."
He sighed again. See. Overwhelmed by presence and beauty I tell ya.
"Jenny. At 10:00 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...OK?"
"OK!" I replied, starting to get up!
He sighed.
"Did you hear what I said?"
And I said, "Sure, you said blah, blah, blah, blah, blah 10:00!"
And he leaned forward and YELLED at me. Sure it was a quiet, sweet voice but it was a yell none-the-less.
"I have a meeting at 10:00 am and I don't want you running up and down the halls with the girls pulling the Fisher Price barking Snoopy Dogs and carrying on. Please."

"And, I don't want the five of you sliding up and down the hall in your socks and shouting."
I started to talk, again, but he held up a hand and continued...
"And, I don't want all of you trying to make the dog "sing" by howling with him. Please. OK?"
"Geez, you don't have to YELL!" I said, "I'm not deaf."
And so yesterday morning there was no Fisher Price barking snoopy dogs, no sliding and running up and down the hall, and no howling weiner dogs.
It was a pretty slow morning here at Grandma daycare.
And after the guy left Mr. Jenny told me "He was surprised! He said with all those Grandkids running around he wondered how I could ever get any work done. He said that you were all surprisingly quiet."
And then he sighed. Presence and beauty - hee hee!
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "Y"! To visit other "Y's" just click here!
Awww....Jenny I bet the kids had fun none the less...that mean old MR. Jenny! Well, I could understand, the Man needs to work...and it sounds like you cause a real ruckes around there ( I spelled that wrong) Cute post!
ReplyDeleteYou're priceless! On an otherwise crappy morning, you made me smile with this..."He sighed. Sometimes he does that around me.I think it is probably because he is so overwhelmed by my presence and beauty that he can't get quite enough air into his lungs." Maybe that's why my hubby sighs so much too! LOL
ReplyDeleteDo you guys work out all your problems in this fashion? So, by this posting, I can now assume that you ARE all 'fluff and unicorns'...I guess we would have to throw in Fisher Price Barking Snoopies to the mix...interesting picture ;-) May a peace that surpasses any understanding(suffice it to say that its huge) shower on you like a warm summer rain...
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you sighed just a little too, from relief, because you had another chance or two to get those checks entered in the checkbook. Don't you hate it when they say "I need to talk to you".
ReplyDeleteOh yeah! I am not the only grandma that has a grandpa that works from home. Conference calls are a pain even when grand kids are not here. I have to remember not to yell to hubs when I think of something I want to say. I have to remember not to play with Ladybug and make her crazy noisy. Ect. Ect. Love this post. Woo Hoo! There is another me! Well maybe not.
ReplyDeleteOh what good girls you all were playing so nicely all morning for Granddad. I do hope he bought everyone ice cream or some other treat afterwards as a reward :-)
ReplyDeleteMy hubby buries his head in his hands and I'm pretty sure it's for the same reason as your hubby-the presence and beauty thing.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so must be a party there 24/7! I want to join in one day. :)
ReplyDeleteOoh Jenny Sweetie...
ReplyDeleteJust precious this post. I love to read your writings. You are so talented. You write from your heart. I love it.
I once had one of those Fisher Price dogs too. I wonder if he is up in the attic with all of the other love bunnies in storage. Someday when I find those boxes all my little grands will be to grown to enjoy. I need to add that to my honey do list one day. He will be so thrilled.
Thank you for sharing today sweetie. Have a beautiful day.
Country hugs and so much love, Sherry
When Mr. Sister worked from home that one year...I felt like I was walking on eggshells and that my whole home routine was disrupted. Because, like Mr. Jenny, being so enthralled by the presence of my beauty he felt it was perfectly okay to take a long lunch break, if you know what I mean! Geez...I had other things that needed tending to! LOL.
ReplyDeleteLol. I always try to get the kids OUTSIDE when my husband is trying to have a phone conversation. Doesn't always work.
ReplyDeleteFUNNY....oh I didn't mean to YELL...
ReplyDeleteTotally know where you are coming from on this post! Dwen will 'ask & sigh' the same way! No music, no tickle monster and keep the dogs quite...let's see them try that!! LOL
ReplyDeletePriceless post - as always!
ReplyDeleteLove playing along with all the other great posters here!
Thanks for that good morning smile! I can count on you! What on earth did you and the girls do that was so quiet? Were you reduced to colouring or playing mime with finger puppets?
ReplyDeleteWhen hubby is off a day I have daycare he too will say something like, please be quiet, don't run up and down the hall. Don't chase them with the vacuum. Don't scream so much and he's looking at me like it always my fault...I know, I'm as bad as the kids most days but still....I can be good too. :o)
ReplyDeleteTake care and God Bless.
oooh, i love that snoopy dog on a string. I just got my grand-niece a pully dog toy for her 1st birthday, but it was plastic..not the cool wood ones we use to have!
ReplyDeleteoh mr. jenny...such a sweettalker, isn't it? and he doubted your mad grandma skills...thinking you'd be all loud and stuff!
pfft...he should never doubt you!! :)
oooh, i love that snoopy dog on a string. I just got my grand-niece a pully dog toy for her 1st birthday, but it was plastic..not the cool wood ones we use to have!
ReplyDeleteoh mr. jenny...such a sweettalker, isn't it? and he doubted your mad grandma skills...thinking you'd be all loud and stuff!
pfft...he should never doubt you!! :)
You sound like a fun grandma! I thought you were going to say that you YELLED at the grandkids.
ReplyDeleteHow do you find time to do everything you do?
I am so proud of you and the Grands for being so thoughtful and quiet for Mr Jenny's meeting. Sigh, I know it's the beauty and all I'm sure of it!
ReplyDeleteWell...a man's gotta work, but a girls gotta play! I think it is so awesome for your grandkids that they have you closeby. My girls missed out on that growing up.
ReplyDeleteHI Jenny. Loved your cute story. I just wish my grandkids were close enough to run in and out dripping wet from playing in the lake. They live 21 hours away...See you next week. Debbie
ReplyDeleteWhat a BORING day that must have
ReplyDeleteit's hard to keep quiet, esp for me LOL :D
ReplyDeleteYippee for another funnY JennY post!
ReplyDeletewhen are you going to write your first novel? had me riveted with all the suspense! Looove the way you tell a story!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!
when are you going to write your first novel? had me riveted with all the suspense! Looove the way you tell a story!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!
You have a rockin' fun day care! Except when there is a blah blah blah meeting at 10. Hahaha. I love how you tell your stories.
ReplyDeleteLOL!! I am so glad I get to come here to your blog for entertainment each week!
ReplyDeleteWell, you pulled off a huge miracle. "Kids" and "quiet" just don't really go together, unless said kids are sleeping. :-)
Ha! Now I have ideas of things to do with my toddler. Perfect.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sure it is awe from your presence. No other explanation. :)
Okay, so we have to be told a "few" times, but we're capable of changing our routines and personalities when needed. :)
ReplyDeleteMr. Jenny should come to my pre-k classroom....20 four-year-olds having a great time, he would yell and NO ONE would hear him!! He should be so happy that there are only 5 of you!Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteSweet. LOL. I can just imagine the grandkids were about ready to burst, not being able to do what they were used to doing.
ReplyDeleteJenny!Have you read Erma Bombeck's books?Have you ever thought about writing professionally ,i mean getting your work published.Excuse me if you are already an established writer because I have not read through all your posts yet.But you are an amazing writer and if you ever publish a book.I will be the first one to buy.
ReplyDeleteGrandma's daycare sounds like fun. As for Mr. Jenny, PARTY POOPER!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove Di ♥
Hahahahhaha! Overwhelmed by your presence and beauty that he can't get quite enough air into his lungs! Priceless. I love you!
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm. My husband sighs and yells, too! To think, all this time it's been because of my presence and beauty....
ReplyDeleteSo how *did* you keep them quiet?
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I saw the word 'YELL' for your 'y' post, I thought I was going to see the 'GWAMMA, SLUG BUG!'
ReplyDeleteNOT Mr. Jenny yelling. Surely not him. Gentle Mr. J doesn't yell. He just giggles. Right? Well, most of the time.
Having been part of the Grandma Daycare Program, I can attest that the CEO of GDP makes life fabulous there! I wanna be a grandkid too!
Oh and if I'm accepted...and I won't YELL. Scream with delight, maybe, but I won't YELL!
You have too much fun at your house. My husband has to hide in the bonus room to do real work. JDaniel and I are too noisy.
ReplyDeleteI have that dog!
ReplyDeleteyour grandkids are very blessed to have such a wonderful place to visit! i loved the story.
your grandkids are very blessed to have such a wonderful place to visit! i loved the story.
Mr. Jenny sucks all the fun out of grandma day care! LOL! Funny Y post!
ReplyDeleteDid I tell how you how Fabulous you are....I can just see this whole scene playing out!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like great times at grandma's daycare......
Have a wonderful day!!!
Of course, he sighs because of your presence and beauty. Duhhh...what else could it be?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm sure a delightful time was had by ALL in spite of the quiet :) It sounds so fun at your house I'm ready to come on over too!
ReplyDeleteAnd totally agreed on the presence & beauty topic.. that's it! ;) -Tammy
-chuckle- But if that's an example of an ordinary day in Grandma Daycare... Mmmm, I'm all tired out just reading about it. ,-)
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't know how to have fun! lol sandie
ReplyDeleteI just loved your post on Y-E-L-L! Thanks for the chuckles. I enjoyed your writing and your sense of humor. I wish I could write like that. More importantly, I almost forgot to leave this comment on your post (the hostess's!) because this is just my 2nd time to join Alphabe-Thursday, and I was so busy trying to finish visiting the list of links (mostly odd numbers) for this week. Would it be possible for you to put a link to your post at # 1 for those of us who forget? If not, I will make it a point to look for it every week.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I never got to thank you for stopping by my blog a few weeks ago when I first joined Alphabe-Thursday with the letter V. My post was V for Virtues, and I really appreciated your coming by to visit and leave me such an encouraging comment!
Unfortunately, the ensuing 2 weeks were very busy ones for me, with end-of-the-schoolyear stuff, seminars and conferences. So I was not able to join in with the letters W & X, let alone reply to the gracious comments I had received for my V post. So please accept my apologies. Now that I've finished visiting the other blogs for this week's meme, I'm going to thank those who took the time to check my 1st post 3 weeks ago. Thanks for hosting this weekly fun activity!
Thanks Jenny. I needed a good laugh today.
ReplyDeleteYour sense of humor is truly delightful.
Oh, this was so funny! I LOVE sliding up and down the hall in my socks. Especially when we 'dust' it with a little furniture polish on the dust husbands gets a tone. Probably due to my overwhelming intelligence and powers of precognition-I always know what he's going to and that he's already wrong-I try to save him from himself and he doesn't appreciate it! *wink*
ReplyDeleteThey just get better and better! LOL!
Sheila :-)
Way to YELL Jenny! Love it...
ReplyDeleteTee-hee! Great "Y" story. Thank goodness you have your beauty and presence to protect you!
Love the story, Ms.Jenny, especially about "your presence and beauty!" Just love it..
ReplyDeleteWhat a riot! I sure he is overwhelmed by your presence, beauty & sense of humor :-)
ReplyDeleteHilarious! (Ok...I give up...all my comments seem to start with "haha!" ..."Hilarious!"...."crying laughing...over here!" ..."rolling laughing with my sides hurting"...or some such thing! I should just make a list of my comments to you and copy and paste a rotating comment...
ReplyDeleteLOVE your posts!!!! (I'd love to be a fly on the wall at your place!" :o) ...but then again...I would end up being a "fly on the floor...rolling laughing..."
Blessings & Aloha!
Mr Jenny seemed a little stressed!
ReplyDeleteBut you didi great.
Have a great Friday.
and I felt the sighs, and I felt your concerns trying to fess up before confronted and I heard the howling sounds of kids and grams singing with the wooden dog and my heart warmed at the complement from the "guy" because everyone pulled together and gave Mr Jenny a little of what Mr Jenny needed that morning and I hope you made it clear that he will never get that lucky again!
ReplyDeleteMy hubby and I had a few discussions yesterday during our flood. Today, after the insurance agent came, he thanked me for all of my hard work yesterday...MEN!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend.
Ahhhhhh teacher,
ReplyDeleteI have missed reading your blog....too funny! Can I have my old desk back next week?
Sounds like there is alot going on around there....I need a coffee break after reading.....bkm
ReplyDeleteYou must be a very fun Grandma! What lucky grand kids you have. Your hubby is very lucky to be married to such a fun lady too.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes,
LOL @ Mr. Jenny's antics *snort*
ReplyDeleteLuLu♥ usual!!! :D
ReplyDeleteMy husband yells at me all the time without raising his voice. When I tell him to stop yelling at me he points out that he didn't even raise his voice. Ha! Like I can't hear an implied yell.
ReplyDeleteconfident and fun YELL post...
ReplyDeletestay cool,
lovely you!
I want to come and do my student "Grandma Daycare" teaching at your house. Please.
ReplyDeleteThat couples communication seminar you and Mr. Jenny attended together finally yielded something.
ReplyDeletePresence and that what I can attribute Stu's sighs to?
So, you are not going to tell how you kept everyone quiet? Did you tie them up or fill them with treats?
ReplyDeletetoo funny! granny day care sounds like a complete and total blast!
ReplyDeleteLOLOL!! This is just hilarious. Your poor man. :( Again, I want my kids to have you as a Grandma! :)
ReplyDeletethis conversation happens at our house too.....and usually I just here blah, blah blah ok?
ReplyDeleteI forgot to tell you I linked to you yesterday. Check it out when you get a chance. Or maybe I did tell you and I forgot that I told you. Either way, I can't remember.