As soon as we finish the letter "Z" we are going to do an Alphabe-Thursday summer school for 7 weeks! It will be a little journey through the rainbow and each week we will do one of the rainbow colors for the theme of our weekly links! If you've forgotten the colors of the rainbow (ROY G. BIV) they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet! And we will do them in that order!
I am not going to have a new button for Alphabe-Thursday's little journey through the rainbow, because it will still link in the same place!
Now. Please, please try to visit as many blogs as you can each week. We'll just stick with our normal method of trying to distribute comments more evenly.
So that we can distribute comments a bit more evenly, if your first name starts with the letters A - L please start reading the odd posts first starting with link number 1.
If your first name starts with the letters M - Z please start reading the even posts first starting with link number 2.
I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. I noticed a blog today where my comment didn't show up. If it appears I haven't visited your blog by Sunday night, please let me know, because it is important to me to make sure you know I've visited you!
If you have any difficulties with your link please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find them otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you.
The McLinkey will be live from 6:00 pm MST time Wednesday night through 8:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog (since there are prizes involved and it makes my life easier that way), PG posts only, and try to visit all the other students according to the letter of your first name! The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Class is dismissed. Please feel free to yodel as you link your post now!
Yodel - leh - he - hoo! I have no idea if that's how that should be spelled! I just tried link number 11 and it goes to her X post? I can't believe we are up to Y already. Have to get cracking to think of something good for Z. Kat
Jenny, linked up my Y post, but away from my computer and will need to visit all these great posts later. Sorry about the insurance issues. What a pain! ~ Sarah
Y is much easier than X! Now I'm working on Z for next week...I've got it!
Good Evening,
I posted mine,
y is 4 yellow.
thank you for the attention!
I'm looking forward to the Rainbiw Post, Jenny! My "Y' this week was a stretch ..hope you don't mind.
♥ Pat
I finally got up the gumption to participate in Alphabe Thursday! I've been meaning to tell you I LOVE your playlist. I have playlist envy. I listen to yours while I'm reading other blogs. It's so good...
Jenny, I have just entered my Y and Z combined post. (I will not be at my computer to do Z next week.) Thanks for hosting this fun meme!!!!
Jenny what a cool post! You always think of the greatest stuff. You will need to stop by my post. You are certainly a big part of it! Hugs Anne
The colors will be fun. I'll look forward to them!
Good evening, Miss. My Y is for Yearning - because not all of us live in places where it is (and I quote, because I'd never use such an indelicate phrase, myself) 'stinkin' hot' and we YEARN for summer.
YES! I've been YELLING a lot for my new puppy to come and she's learning well! Love the little alphabet cards you've used throughout, Mrs. Matlock! So colorful, vintage, and inspirational. Perfect!
apparently I don't seem to know my even numbers or my odd numbers, I do try to visit the odds or evens first but my brain don't seem to be functioning in this heat
YEAH! Yahoo, Yippee. I did it, I caught up and made it through 84! I hope I didn't miss any. I try to hit them all each week. Now I get to go read your story from this week...I can't wait. a true treat for me!
Yippie Skippie your alpha friends do have the most creative minds.
Looking foward to restarting at A after your summer break, am working on something extra special.
Damn, i did mine late (bad juju over the weekend) I have a cool one :(
here is the link
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